aaahhhhh sex. He is attracted to you go do it.
2007-01-29 13:03:56
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It would be a way of a woman knowing that she is still in her prime and is more knowledgeable of what her desires are... She is more mature and of course brings a different side of sex compare to a younger woman... An older woman is more ripe and knows what she wants and how to manage her way around the bedroom...
2007-01-29 21:05:14
answer #2
answered by Xica25 3
Women who reach the 40 mark want to know that they are still good looking. And a 20 year old gives her the feeling that she still got it. the other reason could be that maybe she likes that guy. Think about this way, you meet someone, you want that person, so why should age matter for her when it would not matter for you.
2007-01-29 21:12:04
answer #3
answered by timtowall 1
Sex wasn't what attracted us to eachother. We liked eachother. He is 20 and1/2 and I am 43, have been happy together for 2 and 1/2 years. Look outside the box. People are too narrow mined in my oppinion.
2007-01-29 21:07:10
answer #4
answered by openminded 6
come on man ENJOY the great sex you will be having with a more older woman ! We know how to work it !You will be in for a ride of your life !
2007-01-29 21:02:12
answer #5
answered by silverearth1 7
Energy... I had an older woman when I was 21 and what she loved is that I was always ready to go.
2007-01-29 21:03:04
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
She may be trying to recapture her feeling of youth, or her appeal at that age. Possible she finds that she can train a younger man to do things that she wants, but can not find elsewhere.
2007-01-29 21:02:38
answer #7
answered by Beau R 7
A: younger men are trainable
B: they have an opened mind
C: very willing to please
D: the ability to keep an erection longer
E: bragging rights when your having cocktails with your girlfriends!
2007-01-29 21:05:07
answer #8
answered by yes_veruca 2
Be cause he can still get an erection,and most men start having ED problems at 40
2007-01-29 21:04:54
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Well probably becuase it good for them to know that they can still attract the young hott ones.
2007-01-29 21:02:55
answer #10
answered by aj 2
Hi, um... ever heard of ashton kutcher and demi moore? They're bored, and they want a sex puppy.
2007-01-29 21:04:24
answer #11
answered by smurfinholiday 2