With my sales position, I have found that giving information confidently is extremely important. So many people know their product up and down but lose legitimacy with a delivery that doesn't reflect their knowledge. Most of the time this is caused by talking too much and using poorly chosen words and phrases such as "I think," or "I'm pretty sure."
2007-01-29 13:03:09
answer #1
answered by JonDubs 1
Respect - first base of any relationship whether it be professional or personal. It's the foundation. Respect is three things. First it is respect for yourself. What you are going to guarantee your customers is what you would expect yourself. You stake your reputation on it. The second is respect for others. This is only really possible when you have that personal integrity of self respect. The last thing is the respect that others have for you. If you want the respect of thieves and liars - be a thief and a lier. Your integrity is what your loyal and honest clients will respect.
2007-02-06 10:45:23
answer #2
answered by John M 7
It has been said that the customer is always right. I disagree.
When the customer is wrong, it is the job of a good salesperson to tactfully bring the customer around to seeing what is right. You may have to let them vent first, but you job is to provide them with a solution to their problem.
This site has some more good points you may want to read.
2007-01-29 21:27:50
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
In retail I would say having the item they need and if I don't have it then SUPERB, A++ Customer Service. Order it or find it someplace and everything they ask of me, do it with a smile. Especially if I don't know the answer, smile through it.
2007-02-06 10:29:21
answer #4
answered by rangerbaldwin 4
MANNERS!!! If you are taking their orders Let them finish giving their orders before you ask questions! I hate that! If you interrupt them then make sure that you get their orders right and say excuse me! I was at KFC yesterday (in the drive thru) and I was kept being rudely interrupted before I was finished giving my order and then the guy had my order wrong when he repeated it back to me!
2007-02-06 17:22:34
answer #5
answered by melanie m 2
LISTENING!!! i HATE when i'm at work and a co-worked as the costumers like 500 hundred questions....all of which where already answered! i think just asking them a ton of quesitons is a hassle! i know i hate repeating myself all the time
2007-01-29 21:01:58
answer #6
answered by smile182 3
Treat them like how you would like to be treated if you were the customer. BE NICE AND YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY UP THERE.
2007-01-29 20:55:15
answer #7
answered by 525 B 1
That the customer is always right (whether they really are or not).
2007-01-29 20:51:23
answer #8
answered by Tweet 5
the golden rule!! the customer is always right!!!! be polite and agree even when you don't!!! smile and be friendly no matter what and BS BS BS people love that mess!!!
2007-02-06 10:17:21
answer #9
answered by dirt77 3
Eye contact, and being understanding.
2007-01-29 20:56:18
answer #10
answered by angel 7