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I'm 16. Where can I learn more about becoming a pastry chef? Are their any Dessert Cook Books for Beginners? Please Help! Thanks :)

2007-01-29 12:42:22 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

1 answers

Check out Alton Brown's book 'I'm Just Here for More Food' It's not a cookbook, it's how everything about baking works. (ie: difference between different kinds of flours, different mixing methods, etc). That's a wonderful place to start. Everything you want to know and then some.

Just about any cookbook is good to start with. Just make sure you follow the recipe exactly when you're baking. The chemistry can be very sensitive. I recommend the Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook (the red and white checkered one), it has enough recipes (baking and otherwise) to start you off with. It makes a great first cookbook.

Then just bake. Keep a record of your successes and failures (you're allowed to write notes in the margins of your cookbook). See how atmospheric conditions affect your recipes. Tinker with the recipes when you feel confident. It's a lot of fun. You'll also be the most popular kid around once people find put you bake bread (or eclairs - they're not that hard -, or cookies, or pies) every week.

If you really think that you might want to make a career out of it then see if your high school has a Vocational/Technical program (you get job training in addition to your classes). Some of these will let you get a jump on the training to become a professional baker. Write to culinary schools for info on their programs (A good way of doing this is to watch the food competition shows on Food Network, they usually list where the competitors went to school or where they teach.

Hope this helps.

2007-01-29 13:01:02 · answer #1 · answered by LX V 6 · 2 0

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