Paid interniship is usually temporary, pay less as far as wages and doesnt usually include medical benefits whereas a full time job includes all of those benefits.
2007-01-29 12:25:37
answer #1
answered by tchem75 5
Internships are supposed to provide an opportunity for you to learn on the job, possibly as a requirement for college or technical school. Some pay much less than would the same position for which you are practicing, others pay nothing at all. All internships are for a limited period of time.
2007-01-29 12:31:31
answer #2
answered by Lily 2
interships are tempoary positions with no benfits. You don't get sick leave, vactaion, insurance etc. A job should have all those benifts. Also internships usually pay way less
2007-01-29 12:27:53
answer #3
answered by Big Daddy R 7
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2016-12-16 16:34:12
answer #4
answered by hirschfeld 4