Firstly, he did NOT ruin your reputation and anyone who says so is an idiot. He ruined HIS reputation.
Secondly, if they aren't on your side then they aren't your friends.
Thirdly, you do not want to be friends with this guy ( he betrayed your trust ), you dont need to hate him either, just close him out.....forever.
Personally, I would press charges. If he did it to you he will do it to someone else, plus pressing charges will help you regain some of the control you need to have over your life.
Lastly, your grades wont improve while you still have this hanging over you, so resolve it. Then you can leave this horrid time behind you.
2007-01-29 11:56:30
answer #1
answered by penny century 5
Dont let him get away with hurting you. Like the person who answered before me said, hes just apologizing to regain control of the situation. If you "let it go" then he will be able to spin it to where it never happened, you are making it all up etc, ya know. As far as regaining popularity, dont worry about it, a few good friends who are always there for you are better than hundreds who arent.
2007-01-29 11:49:43
answer #2
answered by Jen 3
Whatttt? He freakin' sexually assaulted you! Why in the world would you want to let him do that to you again if you guys ever get together which hopefully will be never! I'm glad you're going to court with this and this is something you're going to have to deal with on your own and with support of your "true" friends. And what do you mean by "true" friends? Shouldn't they be the only kind of friends you need?
2007-01-29 18:21:29
answer #3
answered by Woofie 2
Your parents need to get you into counseling and you MUST follow through with the charges you have filed against this young man. Do NOT try to become friends with him again. Consider changing schools, discuss with parents but DO NOT DROP CHARGES
2007-01-29 12:59:19
answer #4
answered by mimegamy 6
That is a tough situation, you need to stay strong and get your priorities in order. If he violated you then you owe it to yourself and other girls to stand up and press charges. He is not a friend no matter what he says. Don't let him manipulate you. Popularity is not the most important thing in life. Respect yourself more than that.
2007-01-29 11:52:05
answer #5
answered by CHICK 3
Well I think that if you let him off the hook you will be allowing him to assault someone else.
You should pick up your life and move on.. this guy is a loser and friends are there for a while and then they usually move on as well.
You mentioned True friends, stick with them.
Make a better life for yourself.
2007-01-29 11:48:09
answer #6
answered by ncgirl 6
Your situation is not good and needs parental advice reason being you still likes him. Another one opinion and or advice will not help here by you are wanting to stay connected.
2007-01-29 12:28:24
answer #7
answered by JoJoBa 6
Go to court and follow thru with it. Stay away from this guy and get some counseling.
2007-01-29 11:51:04
answer #8
answered by ice658 1
abandon him, i made a similar mistake, but its best to abandon him while your young, i liked him too, but i realized at my age i had nothing to wry about right now. And it wasnt worth it, just tell people coolly, that you deserved better than him, and return to your old self, you dont need a man now to be cool!
2007-01-29 12:59:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
he only apologized to get more control over you. if you talk to him you are telling him it is ok what he did and you are giving him permission to do it again.
2007-01-29 11:46:23
answer #10
answered by Peachie 3