No, you are definitely right in this matter! It's not fair for him to continue to introduce his girls to these women if they come and go. It's uncomfortable and confusing to the children and I'm sure it doesn't help them feel stable at all with their Dad. You are right to talk to him about this. I can't believe he's so conceited that he thinks you're saying something because you're jealous. He needs to get a grip and grow up and act like a responsible Father. He needs to think about his kids first and not introduce them to anyone who isn't going to stay for awhile.
2007-01-29 11:41:50
answer #1
answered by vanhammer 7
I have two girls myself (6,8) and my ex was doing the same thing.
Unfortunately there is nothing you can do about what he does, all you can do it talk to you girls about it as much as possible about all of it.
See how they feel, get them to draw you pictures about there dad. You wouldn't believe what can come out of pictures in kids.
Talk to them about what healthy relationships are be as open as possible to them about all of it and in return they will be open with you.
My kids didn't like it very much and it bothered them a great deal. So when I started noticing that it was effecting my children I ask him to sit down an talk about it. I don't know if that will work for you but that is what I did.
I just explained to him that the girls were having a hard time with it and it was effecting them. I asked him if he could at least wait a little bit b4 letting the kids meet his girlfriend until he was more sure that she was going to be around for a bit. And if he did let them meet to think about how the kids feel when there kissing and things like that.
I hope that helps, i know its hard when its to do with your kids and that you just want to see the best for them.
2007-02-06 13:30:41
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Absolutely not! I think its completely selfish of him to bring people into your girls' lives and make them part of your family, then just remove them. If I were your daughter I would be completely confused. Just tell him that your girls should not see any of his girlfriends unless the relationship is serious.
2007-01-29 19:41:38
answer #3
answered by vallygrl 4
You're right, but you're talking to a wall. He's going to do what he wants to do. I would just explain to the girls (although they already know) that Daddy has lots of friends. It's okay to be nice to them, but not to depend on them. They really do already know this. Good luck.
2007-02-02 14:00:16
answer #4
answered by ? 5
Absolutely not! You are doing what any good mother should do, protecting her children. Dating is for adults, not for kids. He is being very insensitive to their needs and feelings. It is my opinion that children should not be introduced to their father's new "love" unless it is serious. It's far too confusing to the kids, plus it robs them of the attention they need and deserve from him. Stick to your guns! Trust your instincts! You will not regret it. Good luck!
2007-02-06 10:26:35
answer #5
answered by lsloner 1
you're not wrong.
i may be wrong, but he seems to be using your girls to impress his girl friends. i don't really know how the law works in the U.S.(i guess you're from there) but here in Nigeria there is nothing you can do about that, bcos they are his daughters too.
i recommend that you talk to the girls about it, perhaps the 11 yr old may be smart enough to bring him to his senses.
2007-02-06 03:54:35
answer #6
answered by as_a_youngthief_in_da_night 3
i dont think its right what hes doing to your daughters. kinda sounds like hes using them because he knows that most chicks like guys who are good dads. its kinda like taking a puppy to the park to meet girls. talk to your girls about it to see how they feel. listen to what they say. maybe they don't like how their dad treats them and you could tell their dad how they feel. he may think you're lying but whatever! just be honest with him about it.
2007-01-29 19:44:04
answer #7
answered by Flowerchild 3
no your not wrong, your first priority is YOUR DAUGHTERS and i hope you tell him off but good. good luck
2007-02-06 18:46:59
answer #8
answered by Mark 6
u r so not wrong chica!!!!
2007-02-06 19:22:10
answer #9
answered by sayalicious 1