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China depends on the United States for much of its economy and employment, while the United States needs Chinese loans for governmental purposes. At the same time China's economy is growing at an alarming rate and it seems to be more in cooperation with Russia and governments traditionally opposed to the United States. Will China, being an authoritarian state, move closer to democracy and Western values, becoming a friend of the US, or more antagonistic and a challenger to Western power, one who wages war against the West?

2007-01-29 10:27:45 · 5 answers · asked by ak 3 in Politics & Government Politics

5 answers

I think China is doing their own thing. Yes their economy is booming. With them as an authoritarian state I see them moving further from the U.S. They seem to stand fairly idle dealing with the war on terror, the North Korean nuke program, and the fact that Iran is building nukes. However, I think they are not unlike the rest of the world that is against western views. If they are pushed to take a side I highly doubt it's with the U.S.

2007-01-29 10:42:31 · answer #1 · answered by princess yah sui 2 · 0 0

The Chinese people will become more used to the economy of the Tv promoted easy life and as such will move away from their past to be like the Western world despite the Chinese Goverments tight reins the people who use the goods now available will predominate but it will take time.

2007-01-29 10:40:16 · answer #2 · answered by burning brightly 7 · 1 0

Rex, i be attentive to you dislike l. a. yet are you so ignorant on each and every thing: a million. you continiously tell people "do no longer circulate to l. a., circulate to Toronto" = love that's a criminal option to ''only' circulate to Canada as an American Citizen. 2. you do not have "loose socialised" healthcare = you have very intense taxes which help pay on your healthcare. to boot, maximum companies grant further coverage. - i be attentive to this = the only subject I even have executed at the instant at artwork, is Canada correct reward. 3. enable's start up a catalogue of Canadians who moved to the rustic on their very own loose will = Wayne Gretzkey, Pamela Anderson, Martin short, Celion Dion, and many many many many greater celebrities. only Michael J Fox nonetheless is residing in Canada. On a private point = my dentist is from Toronto, a chum only employed a astonishing engineer on a TN visa, a guy I went to college with, yet another buddy's spouse. - sorry yet i don't be attentive to everyone who moved from the U. S. to Canada. WOW!! we've hundreds of examples of Canadians shifting to the U. S. and you ought to arise with one guy who moved from the U. S. to Canada over 50 years in the past and is by skill of a techniques no longer a family contributors call in the U. S.. - i do no longer think of this rather helps your area... does not it greater needless to say mirror that greater Canadians are hoping to circulate to American than vice versa.

2016-09-28 04:06:34 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

America doesn't have anything China wants except a market for its plastic crap (which it can easily get in Russia) and its hand out for another loan.

If the Chinese are smart they will back away from America and the psychotic Zionists who run it.

2007-01-29 10:34:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

No China= No Walmart.

2007-01-29 10:48:58 · answer #5 · answered by Mysterio 6 · 0 1

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