It would help you if you faced your demons ,but only with some help .so that you can understand that you have done nothing wrong .Counselling will help you express your feelings about your mother ,you don't need to hate her just hate what she did to you .I hope you can bring some peace to your life ,God Bless you
Take care Rosie x
2007-01-30 09:45:31
answer #1
answered by Rosie 2
I had a similar situation. My mother was broken too. She didn't treat me as one treats a child when they are loved. I have a brokeness in my spirit that was healed when I learned about Jesus Christ. I know I know, I'm sorry I sound so churchy, but that's the honest to God truth. Just the fact that I was always odd man out. I was weird as a kid and the other kids could tell. It came from parents divorcing and my father abandonning us when I was 3 1/2 my mother remarrying a timid man and NO ONE dared question her. Now my mother never beat us and broke bones, but I truly believe it was because she knew we'd tell. She did other things too numerous to post here. Just really didn't like brother and I. There will always be scars, but scars aren't raw wounds that hurt. They are just signs that my past affected me. I know I am accepted as I am in Christ and that has brought me peace. My mother is still living and we don't even speak. She doesn't have natural affection for me or my kids and although I have tried in the past to pursue a relationship and reconcille, she wouldn't have it. At a certain point in time honey, your going to have to accept there is something broken in her and that it is not you. You are loved and accepted by God. Whether you choose to break ties with her or not understand it's not you, place the responsibility on the person who was supposed to be there to protect and love and guide you and move on. You will always walk with a "limp" in life concerning this but you can eliminate that nagging heart wrenching pain in Christ. Good luck and God bless sweet heart.
2007-01-29 18:19:33
answer #2
answered by sheepinarowboat 4
I think councelling or psychotherapy is great for working all the emotions to do with past trauma it must have been terrible for you so you have to find a therapist that has experience with this and that you feel confident with. Psychosynthesis therapy is good for some people use the internet search for your area to find. once you have released the emotions and let them go and talked about it a lot, you will feel better and more in controll and after time move foward and have happier feelings inside its a personal growth process you have to be guided through
blessings for your bright future before you
2007-01-29 18:11:17
answer #3
answered by de-light1 2
You probably do need to get counseling. Abuse is a horrible thing and you need to understand that it is not your fault. Also, if you feel you need an antidepressant there is nothing wrong with taking it. A good psychologist could help you sort through some of your hurts and disappointments and help you have a good and productive life. Abuse can be a horrible cycle - your mom probably went through some herself. Best of luck to you.
2007-01-29 18:03:12
answer #4
answered by perplexed 1
im sorry to hear your pain it must be very hard but i do think you should go for councelling and the best thing about councelling is that you can say what the hell you like and get it off your chest it should help, as for your mum im sorry to say but she is an unfit mother and should not have treated you and your sister and you both deserve better
2007-01-29 17:58:54
answer #5
answered by xxDiStUrBeDxx 4
Well she was to young to have you and your father was also but that's no excuse for the things that she and he but you through.
All that a side you need to talk to some one that can help you with your DEMONS you can not run and you can not hid.It Will only get worse as time goes by i know first hand.My father was a bon hole and i have trouble to this day.
Good luck
2007-01-29 18:12:33
answer #6
answered by the black hand 5
Sometimes moms have kids when they are not ready and in return the behavior towards their children and seem rough and harsh but in reality we really do not want you guys to face the dilemmas that we had. So the beatings start but this is all just unconditional love. When you have your kids you will see! I had a daughter when I was 19 and swore up and down I would not hit my child but as she got older her behavior changed.mSo she had to be disclipline. All mothers face this problem.
2007-01-29 18:10:17
answer #7
answered by Star Q 1
It sure as hell is...
The childhood you had was an abusive one, which is bad enough.
But it's legacy is that as your parents punished youfor no good reason, you too are doing the self same thing.
If you can face your mam and tell her how what she did makes you feel. it will be off your chest and onto her conscience instead.
Then you will be clear to enjoy and put to good use the rest of your life.
good luck to you
I wish you well
2007-01-29 17:55:36
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Well, Gene Simmons did that, and he became a demon! And not just any demon, he's a guitar wielding demon!!
2007-01-29 17:55:47
answer #9
answered by Anonymous