I am nearly 60 and I believe we had more freedom when I was growing up than we do now. Check out (Internet) Illuminati and Scull and Bones. You'll see what I mean.
2007-01-29 09:11:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I graduated high school in 1979, so I can give you some bit of comparison data.
I walked to and from grade school, grades 2-7. Bussed for 8th, then 9-12 walked again. No one ever got abducted, raped, molested, etc. Once in a great while you would be told not to go to such and so's house, becuase the uncle there was a little touchy feely, but that's as far as it went. The biggest criminal thing I can remember is they had a huge drug bust my senior year, all but one of the kids arrested was under 18.
I know you asked about freedom,.and I'm answering in safety terms. They are interlinked. We were free to walk to school when we were 7 and 8, because we were SAFE from perverts picking us up, molesting and killing us.
In 1977, in NH, it was still a time when a male with long hair was made fun of, and if you were gay, you either were very discreet or you learned how to fight. So in some ways, there were a lot more restrictions on personal freedoms. People in my town didn't like hippies.
1977 in my town most everyone still went to church,whether they believed in God or not, because if you DIDN'T go, you got talked about, and not nicely.
1977 in my town (population 21,000 in 1977) if a girl got pregnant, everyone in town knew about it pretty quickly. There was a lot less privacy than there is now.
In 1977, we may have had serious crime, but it never seemed to touch us or anyone we knew. I mean we locked our doors obviously, but we didn't have to have a fleet of attack dogs, burglar alarm tape on the windows and doors, etc.to feel safe.
2007-01-29 09:26:49
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I have more freedom and opportunity now than I did in 1977.
2007-01-29 14:03:12
answer #3
answered by lifeisagift 3
Absolutely more when I grew up. I was 10 years old at that time you listed.
You could get away with a prank back then that would have the police at your house these days.
I remember being out late in my preteens and if you ran into a cop, as long as you werent causing trouble, he would just tell you that you should be home.
I remember as a kid if you had a pack of matches or a knife no one thought a thing about it as long as you werent causing trouble.
Now I know laws of the adult world were different too im just relating things regarding myself at the time.
There are so many more restrictive laws now than 30 years ago.
2007-01-29 09:28:24
answer #4
answered by sociald 7
in my opinion i think people that live in third world countires have more freedom then we do especially all the laws that bound us and rules that we have to follow. Theres really not that much freedom because we are slaves to this society. Our rights have been taken away now because of the privacy act where the govt listens in our conversation. We are not truely free if you think about it. Also technology is a big factor because now we cant do anything without being seen by cameras. so to answer your question no we dont have more freedom.
2007-01-29 09:30:54
answer #5
answered by kp 3
Children have even less right's than adults. No longer can they play outside, slightly passed dark, or some dork will report his/her parents to CPA (Child Proection Agency). No longer can they walk to school alone, at a distance of 300 feet anymore, at the age of 8, even if they know how to cross a neighborhood street (non-busy), or his/her parent's will be reported to CPA, no longer can a child kick a football, or soccer ball, or even a nerf ball, hit a plastic golf ball in the neighborhood, for other's fearing a window will be broken (got to laugh at the rediculousness of it), or else the parent will be reported to CPA. No longer can a child rough house with their parents in their own home, scream out loud because they're having one of the best times of their lives with mom, and dad, or a neighbor will report them to CPA for child abuse. No longer can a child have anything he wants to eat on a Friday night, and stay up late, because there is NO school, or if a neighbor hears him/her laugh at 2am in the morning, the child's parent's will be reported to CPA. If a kid gets a black eye from playing roughly with other neighbor kids, the teacher automatically thinks the parent's beat him/her, and calls CPA. None of these things happened when I was a kid. I was born in 1969, am a mother of a 9 year old son, never hit my child, and for all of these reasons CPA has been called to investigate my and my son's life twice. Even if they know you are innocent, they keep it all on a record, and threaten to remove your child if they ever get a mark on them again. Even if you have witnessess! This is unfounded, rediculous, utterly full control of freedom, and reality. It is also sick. Liberals started this crap, and they need to stop it. Innocent people are suffering, mainly the children. Political correctness is just plain wrong.
2007-01-29 09:24:28
answer #6
answered by xenypoo 7
Having grown up during the 50s and 60s, and since 9/11 I can honestly tell you that we have far less freedoms now than then. Just the Patriot Act alone robed us of the 4th and 6th amendments alone.
2007-01-29 09:13:51
answer #7
answered by rick m 3
Less. Each year our freedoms become less.
Every year, some grievance group gets the ear of the legislature and pushes a law that restricts freedoms. Slowly, but surely, we're being legislated into slavery.
2007-01-29 09:20:44
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
When I was a kid in the 60' s we didn't have terrorism. We did however,go down into basements during drills in case of a nuke attack.
Also,crime was not as rampant as it is today. Kids were also more respectful. And pc did not exist. Now everyone sues one another at the drop of a hat.
2007-01-29 09:23:24
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I was young in the 1970's but I remember it very well. I think we had far more freedoms then than we do now. Under Carter, we certainly did not have Americans being wiretapped. Nor did we have government sanctioned torture in Guantanemo or elsewher. We also had better funding for schools, the arts in schools, athletic programs, music programs and afterschool programs for kids.
2007-01-29 09:12:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous