Either way, you end up paying money. If you negotiate, you will likely pay somewhat more, but can avoid the details that go onto your permanent record. If you go bankruptcy, you surrender some things, likely pay less, and are a marked (wo)man for ten years.
2007-01-29 09:02:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Wow. Not much detail.
1. Pay your debts.
2. If you can't afford to pay your debts, contact who you owe (ex. credit card company, landlord), not the collection agency as they (who you owe) will want to work out a payment plan that works for YOU. This way, in the end, they will get more of the $$ than if you go through a collection agency. The collection agency is being pushy to get the money because THEY will get a commission...
3. Not sure why you mention bankruptcy, if your situation has gotten that bad...that's not good. This should be a waaaaaay last resort as it will scar you and your credit for years.
4. Start figuring out how to keep your expenses LOWER than what your make. Otherwise, debt problems will follow you for the rest of your life.
5. Good luck! :)
2007-01-29 09:06:30
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If your total debts are < annual income, see a debt counselor who will consolidate them and put you on a payment schedule . . . which will eliminate the collectors.
If your debts are > than your annual income , file bankruptcy but the new laws are different . See a legal clinic that handles that.
2007-01-29 09:02:39
answer #3
answered by kate 7