I don't know where you live but i live in Ottawa, Ontario Canada and I'm now 18. All through my school years out of like 1500 people i was one of like 3-4 biracial or even ethnic kids and I never had a problem making friends etc. Nobody ever made fun of me for being biracial and i just lived a normal childhood. I remember a kid in kindergarten asking me why my mom was white and i wasn't..that was one of the only comments i got. So maybe you're mother is just making an excuse to try and scare you because its a personal thing, who knows but i didn't "suffer".
2007-01-30 10:22:15
answer #1
answered by harmonize 4
Just because she doesn't want you to marry a black woman for the sake of the children doesn't make her a bigot. Maybe she truly is thinking ahead. She may be misinformed though. 2 race couples do just fine. I have some friends who are of mixed races and they have great kids. I'm from California, so maybe things/attitudes are different out here. You should do what's in your heart. If you love her, marry her. If your mom is a problem once you marry, then move away to get away from her. You, your wife and kids are all that's important. You've grown up with your mom. Is she a bigot? Does she slam other people? Good luck.
2007-02-02 05:27:16
answer #2
answered by ? 5
Is she your soulmate?
Times are changing.
Tell your family to wake up and smell the Poppies...
Half-bred children are commonplace nowadays.
Where do you live, in the flipping sticks?
Don't listen to bigots, ignorance, supremicists, etc.
If it weren't for these ppl, would you marry your soulmate in a heart-beat?
If you would, invest in a solid and unbreakable backbone and live your own life......and move far, far away from all bigotted relatives while you're at it.
2007-01-29 07:42:44
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
She does have a point about being made fun of, although this attitude is changing. Marry who makes you happy and can't live without.
2007-01-29 07:36:35
answer #4
answered by mayihelpyou 5
will im half mexican half white and im ok but the truth is if you really lov the person who cares what ur mom says it just matters wut u feel
2007-01-29 08:07:59
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
how my god thats horribleee
2007-01-29 07:33:39
answer #6
answered by Anonymous