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i'm 14 and me and my mates all want to go to the lostprophets concert in April. All my friends can go and i'm the only one who isnt allowed. We want to go to the birmingham concert.....we would be travelling from leeds on the train ...........and we have one of my friends auntie's to pick us up from the train station drop us off at the concert and pick us up after and sleep at her house in birmingham for the night. I really want to go but how do i persuade my mum and dad to let me ???

2007-01-29 06:57:02 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Music

18 answers

Ask her to go with you! My mom to me to my first concert, and it was a heavy metal band and she didn't like heavy metal.

2007-01-29 07:00:51 · answer #1 · answered by spasmolytic25 2 · 0 0

Firstly, find out what it is exactly she's worried about and give her reasonable solutions. For example, travelling by yourselves on the train: say that you are going with friends and that safety in numbers is a very sensible thing, therefore nothing bad can happen to you on the train. If she's not sure about your friend's autnie being on the scene then have your mum call her and discuss this with her. If she's worried about not being able to check up on you: I'm sure you have a mobile phone so she can ring you, but if not, then ask her to lend you her phone. If she's worried about what might happen at the concert, like you might get lost from your friends: tell her that you've made some arrangements in case one of you gets lost, however, you will always be staying together and looking out for each other. If she's worried about after the concert, then again, reassure her that your friend's auntie is coming for you and that you are staying at hers. Tell her that once you are safe in the car after the concert you will ring her. When travelling back, you'll be with your friends on the train so you won't have any troubles. Get your mum to pick you up from the station. Or, invite your mum to the concert but ask her to stay in a distance (and stay in a hotel for the night) so that you don't get embarrased in front of your mates. Show maturity to her and I'm sure she can be persuaded. Good luck, and if you do get to this concert then Have Fun!!! I was 13 when I went to my first concert.

2007-01-29 15:14:36 · answer #2 · answered by Luvfactory 5 · 0 0

Hi, the best way to persuade her to let you go is to show how sensible and reliable you can be:
Make sure that you come home on time when she asks you to be in by 10 be home at 9.50!!
Do your jobs around the house without moaning and maybe do some that you aren't asked to do (show willing)

Can you get the phone number of your friends aunt so that your mum could talk to her, it may make her feel happier if she sort of knows the person you're going to be staying.

Also does she know your friends? Can you all get together with all your parents so she can see that they aren't a bunch of druggie axe murderers. If she meets them she may let you go.

Don't what ever you do sneak there when she thinks you're somewhere else, that will definitely blow up in your face and she'll never trust you again(well, not for a long time) (my little sis did that and my mum's only now trusting her and it was 3 years ago!!)

2007-01-29 15:16:00 · answer #3 · answered by lola 5 · 0 0

I had a hard time convincing my folks to let me go to my first concert as well. It was a Bowie show and I was 12. What I did was suggest my older sister come with me. That seemed to relieve their anxieties about me going and after a little kissing up (doing extra house work etc) they decided to let me go. I don't know if you have an older sibbling that would be willing to accompany you or a cousin or something(?) Other than that I would do my best to explain that there is a group of you going and you will all look out for each other. Also tell your parents you will check in with them the minute you arrive so they
know you made it ok. Try to stay calm and rational when talking to them about it, don't beg or whine that will just convince them you aren't mature enough.

2007-01-29 15:12:10 · answer #4 · answered by ♪ ♫Jin_Jur♫ ♥ 7 · 0 0

I can understand that you want to go badly as it was not that long ago i was your age and i do remember what it is like as my parents were strict too.
I have a 13 year old daughter now and i would find it really hard to let her go as i would be worried sick, but all i can say is you will have to get your friends auntie to ring your mum and maybe see if she can put your mums mind at rest and say that you will be looked after and that you will be getting a lift etc...

But if your mum lets you go in the end some words of advice.....DO NOT LET HER DOWN!!!! as she will not be so trusting next time. that is what i always say to my daughter "mess up and there WILL NOT be a next time!!"

Good luck

2007-01-29 17:32:59 · answer #5 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

hard times ahead.. our daughter wanted to go see tenacious D at the NIA.. the compromise was mum went with her and her mates..they all had a great time... and the train does stop outside, its all well lit and quite secure.

ask your mum how old she was when she sloped off to see the bay city rollers or Bros.. ill bet she wasnt much older than y0ou are now.. the unbilical cord was cut many years ago, now all you have to is persuade her to loosen the apron strings...

tell them youre not leaving home and roaming the streets of birmingham... you will be back home.. blah blah blah...

end of the day, talk to your mum and dad, their only concern is for your safety... if you can overcome that hurdle..its shoudl be easy...

good luck... from a dad of 50 yrs with 3 daughters, 27-16-12

2007-01-29 15:11:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i know she's worried about you, and she does have reason to be, after all she's your mother! but i think you should ask her when she went to her first concert. my mum says that the most rebellious teenagers make the strictest mums, so if she hasn't let you go out yet, i imagine she was a bit of a rocker. i know from experience, since my mum didn't even let me stay out after 9 until i was 15. then i asked her what bands she'd seen, and it turned out she's seen EVERYONE famous. apparently she was sneaking out of her window years before i even went to my first concert. get her to talk to your auntie, also. she may be able to talk your mum round, and you might even suggest that your mum pick you up with your auntie. this is what i suggested when i went to my first concert, and since then my social life has improved considerably.

another thing. if you don't get to go this time, don't get upset. there will be other concerts.

2007-01-29 16:25:04 · answer #7 · answered by whynothugsomeone 3 · 0 0

get her to phone ur friends aunty and ask her to spk to her tell ur mum that u know she is worried this is the reason she is,nt letting you go ,she is,nt being horrible she loves you. But u are going to behave urself u must take care it,s a scary world out there honey , do u have a mobile u can use this way u can fone mum and mum can fone u get back to base , basically . I hope it works out for you

P.S there will also be lots of other concerts xxxxxx:-)

2007-01-29 15:04:36 · answer #8 · answered by blonde286021 2 · 0 0

You're only 14, a target for predators and drug-traffickers. Hopefully you don't get permission..... Just kidding. Do a lot of chores around the house, don't mouth off, and treat your siblings (if have any) with much love. Usually this has two simmer for about 2 weeks, so the earlier the better.

2007-01-29 15:10:25 · answer #9 · answered by Morugan 1 · 0 0

I went to my first concert at thirteen. I had to give in to a family member providing the transport before i was aloud. and i had to keep my bedroom tidy for the three month wait before the concert. try striking a deal with like keeping your room spotless and get your friend's aunties phone number so your mum can speak to her for re-assurance. And if you don't get to go remember they will play again.

2007-02-01 14:26:00 · answer #10 · answered by kez 1 · 0 0

mums will naturally be worried but its a great opportunity for you to go and see a band which is hardly going out and sitting under a bus stop drinking cheap cider which is what most 14 year olds do. explain to them that it means a lot to you and your friends and that you will be perfectly safe getting picked up by an aunt. i think if they realise you are doing something good rather that staying out causing trouble they would feel thankful they had a daughter like you.

2007-01-29 15:04:24 · answer #11 · answered by peroxide.pixie 5 · 0 0

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