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My heart is breaking. How do you prove to a man you have true to him?
I love this man with all my heart, I do not want to throw away five years. He has this paranoid delusion that I have not been true to him, I have told him nothing but the truth. I don't believe in cheating, that's a very hurtful thing to do. But it hurts so much knowing he doesn't trust me and I have done nothing to break this trust. Help! I love this man sooo much. He inflicts emotional pain every time he accuses me. I know I have done nothing, how do I prove this too him? I'm at my wits end.

I don't want to throw away 5 years, he was never like this before. This just started 7 months ago, I am trying to have faith that things will go back to normal...

2007-01-29 06:00:23 · 12 answers · asked by sxy_tang 2 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

12 answers

He's accusing you of being a lying whore who has slept with other men and lied about it... and you think this is love? He's inflicting emotional pain on you and you love him?
Dump him. Your faith is called being delusional.

2007-01-29 06:03:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Have you ever heard the saying that He Who Accuses Admits Guilt?? If you truely (haha) have done nothing to break this trust, don't you think that maybe there is a reason on his part for his sudden loss of faith... (oh, there's that word again). And you know, some men get it intheir heads that just speaking to another man is cheating.. and you know what.. this is a sign of a controlling man who would as easily cheat on you as anything and has obvious feelings of guilt for something he either did or seriously considered doing. Maybe there is somehting he needs to tell you? maybe there is something you need to tell him? What happened 7 months ago? You know, unfounded accusations is actaully a form of abuse. Something to think about while you chew through it.

2007-01-29 14:08:10 · answer #2 · answered by WifeandMom 2 · 0 0

There is nothing you can do for an insecure person to secure them, other than what you have done, shown your love and faith to him. My question would be is he wanting out of the relationship and using this as an excuse? Or is he playing games with your head, if so he doesn't deserve you. The best thing I could say is throw it back in his face, and ask him, like my mom use to tell me it's usually the one accusing who's doing the wrong!

2007-01-29 14:07:55 · answer #3 · answered by K_Seeks4Answers 3 · 0 0

figured out what happened 7 months ago that made the change... make sure that he still wants thing relationship - maybe he wants out but doesnt want to break up with you so hes gonna try to make you breka up with him - or find a reason that is realy good to break up with you. If he still wants to be in the relationship.. i am sorry, there is no way to show that you HAVE BEEN truthful.. but you can show him that you ARE truthful. Call him more, spend more time with him. Call him before you go out so he knows where you are going and how long you will be and call him while your out and when you get home.. Are you making him apart of your life as much as you can? After 5 years.. try doing that.

2007-01-29 14:06:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ok, my last girlfriend of ten years had all these male friends. She said she would never cheat but she always had these interested guys who wished I would die hanging around and refused to understand how obnoxious it is. She would have a fit if the shoe were on the other foot. I don't know if she ever cheated, but I just got tired of it.

2007-01-29 14:07:01 · answer #5 · answered by tenbadthings 5 · 0 0

I don't believe that youv'e done anything. Your man has other interests,and this is his way of dealing with it. When you don't trust yourself how can you trust another. Sorry for the five years you have tied up ,but maybe you might want to cut your loses

2007-01-29 14:08:00 · answer #6 · answered by russell c 2 · 0 0

Challenge him this way and tell him this:

"Prove that I've been unfaithful!"

At that point, when he's unable to present you with said evidence, dump his *** and pronounce that all trash has been taken to the dumpster, because sister, he's been cheating on you for 7 months!

2007-01-29 14:09:47 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if he just recently started this it usually stems from guilt on his part from not be faithful. Most cheaters accuse their partners of cheating.

2007-01-29 14:03:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you should not have to prove to him your faithfulness especially after so long.

sorry to put this in your head but what about him. it is usual for the party who is unfaithful to be imagining the same thing happening to them.

compare starting over now to starting over 5 yrs from now.

2007-01-29 14:05:04 · answer #9 · answered by stacy 4 · 0 0

ask him why he thinks this. ask him what he thinks you have done and just tell him how much he means to you and that you don't want to throw it away. tell him that nothing will come between you and ask why he doesn't trust you!

2007-01-29 14:05:16 · answer #10 · answered by blonde bimbo xxx 2 · 0 0

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