ok well me and this girl were never together but well she cheated on her b/f with me and and we are still messing around and we have liked each other since before she got with her boyfriend but we didnt tell each other.and now i feel like im madly i love with her, and i have tried to stop talking to her because of fights that we have had(like her choosing her b/f over me eventhough i knew she would pick him)and i feel like im her b itch because she come with me then she goes with him and it feels horrible and not to long ago i told her that we should leave each other alone and i didnt speak to her for a week and yesterday i saw her at a party and i ignored her at first but the whole time i felt like crying and i missed her so much! and i kept on looking at her..until she approached me and we talked and kissed..and today i saw her again and she was supposed to stay for a party but she left(she ditched me) and i found out she left me for her b/f..what should i do? how do i get over her!?
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Family & Relationships
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and if it chages anything im a girl
and i feel like i want her.....
sometimes i feel like crying when i dont have her in my arms
because the truth i wanna be the one that hugs her and kisses her in public
i wanna be the on that says "yeah shes my girlfriend"
i wanna be the one who takes walks with her through the park holding hands without being scared of being seen.
but i cant have that...so i have to get over her but how it pains me so much to let her go?
05:39:36 ·
update #1