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ok well me and this girl were never together but well she cheated on her b/f with me and and we are still messing around and we have liked each other since before she got with her boyfriend but we didnt tell each other.and now i feel like im madly i love with her, and i have tried to stop talking to her because of fights that we have had(like her choosing her b/f over me eventhough i knew she would pick him)and i feel like im her b itch because she come with me then she goes with him and it feels horrible and not to long ago i told her that we should leave each other alone and i didnt speak to her for a week and yesterday i saw her at a party and i ignored her at first but the whole time i felt like crying and i missed her so much! and i kept on looking at her..until she approached me and we talked and kissed..and today i saw her again and she was supposed to stay for a party but she left(she ditched me) and i found out she left me for her b/f..what should i do? how do i get over her!?

2007-01-29 05:39:28 · 3 answers · asked by pixie7 3 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

and if it chages anything im a girl
and i feel like i want her.....
sometimes i feel like crying when i dont have her in my arms
because the truth i wanna be the one that hugs her and kisses her in public
i wanna be the on that says "yeah shes my girlfriend"
i wanna be the one who takes walks with her through the park holding hands without being scared of being seen.
but i cant have that...so i have to get over her but how it pains me so much to let her go?

2007-01-29 05:39:36 · update #1

3 answers

Oh that sucks. Our painful human emotions. I would not hold out hope that she will ever be with you. Sounds like she is using you to fulfill some identity crisis she has about herself. Just try, try, try to move on with your life, without her. Find someone that appreciates you and loves you and is not afraid to be with you.

2007-01-29 05:50:20 · answer #1 · answered by me! 4 · 0 0

Sounds to me like your a lesbian and she is Bi-sexual and it is a normal process for Bi's to pick males over females in serious relationships. Your feelings of love for her will be a waste of time and you will get hurt over and over again by her because even though she "loves you" she will most likely never be "in love" with you...there is a big difference in this love. To say find you another to love is easier said than done, you do need to make other friends that feel as you do.

2007-01-29 13:52:22 · answer #2 · answered by sassywv 4 · 0 0

wow what a story well I'm not sure I'm still hurting over my bf i fink u should ask her out rite if she don't wont u move on sounds she just wont's fun and u r falll-in for her stop it now otherwise u will fal more in lve and get hurt more in long run . good luck if not find a new gf but give your self time to heal 1st

2007-01-29 13:51:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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