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can someone tell me how i can get free credits or some credit cheats?

2007-01-29 05:37:15 · 2 answers · asked by *~♥3r|k@♥~* 2 in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

2 answers

It's not a game, guy. It's a kind of online messenger, but you can collect or buy credits to add to your avatar. Essentially, it's a 3D messenger where your IMs appear in "speech bubbles" over your avatar's head. You can customize your avatar to look however you want. It's otherwise no different than talking to someone on Yahoo messenger.

There are no cheats for IMVU. If you need credits, you can get promotional credits (predits) by playing the Daily Spin, by visiting the New Products page, and by inviting other people to join IMVU. There is also a Treasure Hunt game, but only a select few people really know how to play that well.

2007-01-30 23:19:56 · answer #1 · answered by baka_otaku30 5 · 2 2

Never heard of a game titled "lmvu"...but i'm sure you will find the cheats at gamefaqs.com if their are any. You cheater!

2007-01-29 13:53:16 · answer #2 · answered by that guy 2 · 1 9

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