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When you subtract out factors like wishing to be looked upon as normal, and basic economic survival/prosperity, and also the desire to procreate.

Pease don't respond if you're very concerned about what other's may think of your answer. You are anonymous.

2007-01-29 05:26:23 · 15 answers · asked by chiguy 2 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

15 answers

I'm attracted to men so much I think that I love every dingaling on the planet! I really wish that you gay people would stop trying to make it seem that everyone wants to be under the covers with the same sex because with me.......HELL TO THE NO! A woman can't do sh!t for me except show me where a fine @ss man is! I think a lot of people who even claim to be gay or act gay are just doing it for social status. Half of the claimers aren't even having sex with the same partners. But let it be frigging known Miss Thing......I'm am straight as the letter I (eye) and I'm not trying to be socially or any other lly (lee) to be correct. Please don't get it twisted darlin! I would appreciate you getting that sh!t straight! Have a nice day!

2007-01-29 05:34:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Good question. As a woman, yes, I am (in the beginning) attracted to a handsome man. Once I get to know that person, things may change. Very handsome men can sometimes be very ugly on the inside. Physical looks to count initially, but that impression doesn't hold for long. I can't be attracted to someone, in a long term relationship, who has 1) no sense of humor, 2) no logic, 3) no brain, 4) can't dress or at least take some advice on clothes (not that he has to dress up or be dressed in the latest fashion. I just don't want to go out with someone who has his pants on half way down his legs or will embarrass me with smelly, dirty clothes) and 5) who doesn't have my morals. A person's looks only do the initial attraction, personality keep a woman. Did that help?

2007-02-02 05:00:56 · answer #2 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

You see hot women with fat ugly guys all the time. I could have been a model and I would say it kind of worked against me.

A hot woman just needs to be where the guys are to get all the action she wants. Any guy no matter how rich or good looking is not going to have women throwing themselves at them unless they have game or are in the right social situation. For a guy, having some game is the most important factor for success with women.

2007-01-29 05:33:53 · answer #3 · answered by tenbadthings 5 · 0 0

I believe that the desire to procreate, is much stronger in a male than a female, as for physical attraction, yes I am attracted to a man by his looks, but then I adore any man that is 50 +, bald, with a beard. so what men consider as attractive is not necessarily what a woman finds attractive. also remember that in nature it is the strongest, not necessarily the most attractive that have all the females

2007-01-29 05:36:10 · answer #4 · answered by rkilburn410 6 · 0 0

You are ruling out an awful lot. I think that if women are checking out men, and don't know anything about them, it all points back to the biological need to procreate. If you are asking about how much I as a women am attracted to men, it takes a lot for me to turn my head! I'm usually too focused on whatever I am doing. I'm usually not too aware of my surrounding environment.

2007-01-29 05:32:13 · answer #5 · answered by Bird Breath 3 · 0 0

I'm not anonymous. And women don't get to know you and find out other factors if you don't pass the "looks" test.

It's common sense. In the first 5 minutes they make up their mind if it's going any further.

2007-01-29 05:30:53 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Looks are the first thing that you notice so I would say that a lot of women are physically attracted to their man. I know that looks are important to me but no I don't base my relationships solely on that.

2007-01-29 05:32:23 · answer #7 · answered by happyblonde 4 · 0 0

it is kinda tousled in a small way. you ought to like the way somebody you're sexually attracted to looks. except the ladies individuals you date have a damaging dress experience. perhaps you're somewhat narcissistic in the experience which you're so thoroughly grew to become on by skill of your very own self image that others who reveal a comperable male image are very almost as appealling to you as your very own meditated image. sorry that looks somewhat harsh and presumptuous from somebody youve by no skill met, inspite of the incontrovertible fact that it is so diffused you arent even attentive to it. only judging by skill of the lovable avatar you have chosen you probable fancy your self somewhat. lots of gay physique builders only seek for his or her very own form inspite of the actuality that many times opposites attraction to, and that i beleive it is the reason.

2016-09-28 03:49:29 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Men are hot!! Women are just as attracted to men as men are to women...it is just that our soceity doesn't allow us to express it as openly...because the men want the women to be faithful to just them, but the men also want to bed as many women as possible. Men don't like to think that maybe women feel that way too....

2007-01-29 05:32:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Very. Strait, healthy women find men very attractive.

2007-01-29 05:29:46 · answer #10 · answered by Jessy 4 · 2 0

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