1st - I'm very sorry for your loss.
2nd please try cafe mom (I beleive theres a link on myspace).
Good luck to you!
2007-01-29 05:32:29
answer #1
answered by Theresa J 3
I can understand your loss and your grief, but you are only harming your self by thinking what could have been, rather that what is. You are living in the past, because it is to painful to leave.as you feel you will be abandoning your children, But the reality is they are gone, and there is nothing you can do about this, You will find that time will heal your sorrow, but time is not enough, you have to do your part as well as well, and that is accepting that your children are they belong and you are where you belong, As for why God took them back, you will never get the answer, but in time you will come to accept this, You have only one thing that you can cling to and that is those children will be your children for as long as you live. I had a daughter She died when she was 27 months old, This was in 1968. I still can see her in my mind as the 27 month old. Yes on her birthday I will think wow she would have been 40 or what ever it was for that day, but in my mind I only see her as they little girl that she truly was.And I am sorry to tell you that is the only memory you will be able to carry of your children, So to play the envy game is destroying your self esteem and hurting you even more, be grateful that those children are there to give pleasure to their parents and some day you may have more children and know the joy
2007-01-29 13:56:09
answer #2
answered by rkilburn410 6
due to twin to twin transfusion i lost my identical boys and i didnt cope for a long time either chat rooms are great but you realy need the comfort of a close friend or go to a support group in your area.blaming god for your loss will only work until you work out satan is the one that doesnt want us happy!so if theres # good # and # bad# #god# and #satan# who now took your babies away??? I wish i could give you a big hug right now but you will have to settle for my thoughts being with you and the hope you have children in the future. there is not a day that will pass where you wont miss ur twins but the pain will lesson over time
2007-02-04 21:25:55
answer #3
answered by jo 5
I know that there are no words that would help you find relief for your loss,and when they are babies, it hurts even more, I know how you feel, like, they had taken a piece of your heart, and that piece will always be missing form your heart. Your grief will take some time to heal, you need to concentrate on your husband if you have one so, you both can share your grief together,do not try to hide how you feel because then it will get worse for you because you will have everything bottled up inside you. Please, if possible say a prayer for your babies and ask the Lord God, to take care of them for you, and to help you find some solace, and accepting that his will be done. I know it is very hard to come to terms of accepting it, but rest assure you are not alone, I lost my oldest Grandson when he was 23, yrs. old and I still grieve for him when he comes to my mind,and that is when I know that I will be crying for him all day long. He was killed in a foreign Country, stabbed at least 84 times all over his body, that is why I cannot forget for a minute of his Death. His murder has never been solved and I pray every night to the almighty up above to do Justice for his Death. I am going to be praying for you and I am going to ask God to give you some comfort. I care what has happened to you, and I feel sad, and I hope you will get better,and remember, I care and feel for you.
2007-02-05 21:59:18
answer #4
answered by a.vasquez7413@sbcglobal.net 6
Your twins are better now and they have God and each other.. thats how I like to think about it.. I only lost one of mine.. God let me keep the other... there are support groups out there... I know it sound hard and it feels horrible.. but time heals all wounds and if you let your body do the same by the end of the year they could have a beautiful baby brother of sister
2007-02-04 15:16:14
answer #5
answered by CottonTail 2
Awe honey, I am so sorry for your loss..
Please try and get into a group off the net, and ask the hospital where you live, if they have a support group somewhere close by.. God Bless you..
Tiny B
2007-01-29 13:57:43
answer #6
answered by tiny b 3
Omg... I am so sorry to hear about your loss. There are online support groups for this...... do a search in "yahoo" for it, and it should bring up a bunch for you to check out. Please, dont go this alone.....get help "offline" too ! There should be support groups around the area, somewhere, that will be able to take you in, and offer some help. I know this is hard to believe, but there must be a "reason" for your loss. You may never know 'that reason'.... but there 'is' one. Again, i'm sorry, and i wish you well.
.... Take care
... just found this link.... hope it helps you....
2007-01-29 13:25:49
answer #7
answered by JSSK 3
honey if you lsot your babies there should be a help line there at the hosp and they can help. but you shouldn't be so sad now. i know they are gone but they are gone for a reason maybe they weren't going to be healthy if they madeit and it would be lasting on your i know its hard to listen to but good support group is what you need. they do have them look in phone book or ask people.
2007-02-05 21:46:10
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
God has a reason.
If you went out to pick a rose, wouldn't you pick the most beautiful rose out there? That's what God did
2007-01-29 13:37:15
answer #9
answered by finallyfree 2
the best help you can get is one on one support groups available in the hospitals. it will help hearing from others how they dealt with it.
2007-01-29 13:54:16
answer #10
answered by stacy 4