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For the past 5 months my husband and I have been reeaally trying to have a baby, and this morning my period came on. It's frustrating, not only because I want a baby, but because he's really excited about it now too. I've tried holding my legs in the air, making love everyday, once a week and everything else the mothers I know have told me! I'm dreading going to the hospital and finding out that I can't have children, so please give me some suggestions on things we can try, before I see a doctor!

Thanks in advance for your help!

2007-01-29 04:56:54 · 6 answers · asked by Bryan's Wife 4 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

6 answers

Quit stressing out. Stress can cause problems that will get in the way.
The most productive thing you can do its pray. Bring to the Lord, He will hear your concernes and He will take care of you so you can then let it go. Let His perfect will happen. If you must go to s Dr. go, don't worry about it. It is going to work out, it will be ok.

2007-01-29 05:19:51 · answer #1 · answered by hiscinders 4 · 2 0

try putting a pillow under your hips to tilt your pelvis up and stay there for about 20 minutes after sex. If you aren't pregnant in another two months, go find out....it could be as simple as hormones being off, or it could be hubby. Just be sure you are having fun while trying!!!!!

2007-01-29 05:03:21 · answer #2 · answered by reddevilbloodymary 6 · 2 0

take a home ovulation test it will tell you the best days to concive and once youve had sex lay on your back wil pillows under your thighs so your stomach and thighs are at 90 degrees lay like that for as long as possible

2007-01-29 05:03:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

well first of all,we women only ovulate,give off an egg or eggs,once in a month.you need to find out when your time is and have sex then.The doctor can help you find when you ovulate and this won't cost anything to do,good luck.

2007-01-29 05:04:29 · answer #4 · answered by punkin 5 · 2 0

Please visit a doctor and ask for advice. The longer you wait the more you will go through dissapointment and stress.

Same with your husband, stress does not help sperm count.

2007-01-29 05:05:35 · answer #5 · answered by DECEMBER 5 · 2 0

Track you ovulation dates.
Don't stress, it dosen't help.
Have him wear boxers.
take prenatal vitamins

2007-01-29 05:06:54 · answer #6 · answered by faith 3 · 2 0

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