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I am a renter that has always been current on rent and feel that my house is in very poor condition and unrentable. I would like to know what kinds of things have to be done in order for me to live here. I would like to know local laws, in Ohio, as to housing codes because I feel that my house is in violation of these things. Serious answers only please.

2007-01-29 04:32:15 · 1 answers · asked by Jen 4 in Business & Finance Renting & Real Estate

We have lived here for about 5 years and have had new landlords for 3 years. We have told them repeatly about things that should be fixed and we need to know if these things are against the law or if we are just being "picky", doors that do not close or seal, shower leaking cause lifting of tile floor, cracks in the foundation causing water and rodents in the house as we are the basement apartment, etc. I work for these people and we have very cheap rent($500 including utilities), we are allowed to have our dog and we live on 45 acres. There are positives to this house and that is why we continue to live here, however, there is a certain point to which a person feels that they are being taken advantage of, in that, they continue to make money off of my family and do nothing for their investment. Thank you for your help in advance.

2007-01-29 04:51:01 · update #1

1 answers

And how long have you lived there before you decided that there were things wrong with the property?

Why spend you energy on trying to get someone else to correct mistakes you think are wrong with the property.

You are a renter move to a better place. When you move before you sign a lease or rental agreement check to see if you think anything is wrong with the place.

Now if you just want to go through this, try the web site of the city in which you reside. You might have to go down to city hall to secure the codes. You are seeking the planning and permit department.

I hope this has been of some use to you, good luck.


2007-01-29 04:40:54 · answer #1 · answered by Skip 6 · 0 0

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