You are the boss here...take control. My daughter refused any sort of formula when I tried to wean her so I had to keep feeding. At 1 she went to cows milk which she initially refused but I found if I put a few drops of vanilla essence and warmed it a bit in it she would drink it from a straw cup. The vanilla sweetens it a bit like breast milk. I slowly reduced than eliminated the vanilla over a couple of weeks....Breastfeeding over!!!! Try it... a Pediatrician told me that worked...Good Luck
2007-01-28 21:58:10
answer #1
answered by AB 1
You have to be firm when telling her no, and consistent. She will throw her fits and since you know nothing is wrong with her, you can ignore these outbursts for a few mins. Trust me, once she gets hungry / thirsty enough, she WILL eat or drink whatever is offered to her.Try using a reward system. Every time she drinks from her cup without a fight, she gets a prize..such as stickers or a simple toy she would like..all kids love balloons. She is a Year old and it is recommend to stop formula at that age and move on to milk. You can breastfeed for as long as you want, but you should realize that the longer you do, the harder it will be to wean her off. Just keep explaining to her that big girls drink from sippys and you may think she doesn't understand but kids are smarter than we know. She knows what your saying. All this is right now is a game of wills. Stick to your guns. You are the parent and if you don't get a grip on that right now, she will only learn to control you even more. Good Luck.
2007-01-29 01:41:48
answer #2
answered by Danelle 5
Usually I would suggest to continue breastfeeding, since it is best for the child, but since you are sick here is my advice.
Make sure she still gets the same, if not more, cuddle time with you. Even when she is drinking her new milk. Often breastfeeding is about comfort. Explain to her in really simple terms that there will be no more breast feeding.... Really simple, since she is only one, but they can still understand at this age. Other than that, I can't really say, since weaning, if not done naturally, is supposed to be done over a very long time span. If this is just a temporary sickness, I suggest bearing through it, and continue breastfeeding.
2007-01-29 04:39:24
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Try checking out the website I've listed below. It is a tremendous source of information regarding any aspect of breastfeeding!
Good Luck!
Mom of bf 6 1/2 yo son and 33 wks preg
2007-01-29 14:19:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well, you could try quitting "cold turkey", meaning just stop completely. Or you could ween her slowly. It is not abnormal to continue breastfeeding at her age. It is something that comforts her and makes her feel close to you. If you really want to stop you just have to be tough and put up with crying and fits. It may take her two weeks to get over it, but she will not want to breastfeed forever. Good luck! :)
2007-01-29 01:39:28
answer #5
answered by snowangel_az 4
Dolph, you're a retard! Doctors actually recommend that you nurse until the child is 2 for optimal health! That is NOT too old to nurse your child, however I do understand your wanting to wean her. My oldest daughter was a huge fan of nursing too so I feel your frustration! I found it wasier to wean her first during the day by just offering her a sippy cup instead ( it's easier to tolerate a fit at noon than an 3 AM!) I had her weaned during the day at 1 but not during the night till age 2. Good Luck!
2007-01-29 01:37:32
answer #6
answered by sbj95 3
Well, congrats for making it to a year!
But, your baby is still quite young and will not understand the sudden restriction to her source of nutrition and comfort.
Telling her "NO" will only serve to confuse and upset her.
Are you certain the tablets are contradicted? There are very few medicines that are not safe to use whilst nursing.
All baby's deserve breastmilk for at least the first 2 years if at all possible.
2007-01-29 02:50:59
answer #7
answered by Terrible Threes 6
you're the parent. wean her! she is able to drink out of a cup, so there is nothing wrong with her! just stop breastfeeding. she'll throw a fit, but you have to not give in. she is old enough that the needed nutrients aren't there anymore in the milk.
2007-01-29 01:34:24
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
CONGRATULATIONS!! For breastfeeding for a full year! You have done what is nutritionally and emotionally best for your baby! I know it isn't easy.
My daugter weened at 14 months, I started weening at 12 months and it took 2 two months to completely ween her. Take it slow, its hard on them. You will have a much happier baby if you ween her at her pace!
2007-01-29 02:34:41
answer #9
answered by tedandalissa 2
I know of children who go breastfeeding 4 years .Its normal .Your daughter has gone habitual.Just try to remove her slowly from breastfeeding to outside milk.
2007-01-29 01:35:57
answer #10
answered by tej 1