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I have had social anxiety disorder for years and when I was in high school, I avoided areas with large, or even small, groups of people. Naturally, I missed a lot of things I wanted to do, like Homecoming games and dances, and most important, the Prom. I'm married now, and too old (schools out here won't let you go to prom with a student if you're over 21), so I can't make it up. I really need to find a way to get over this, so if anyone knows of a site where I could "go to the prom", please let me know.

2007-01-28 15:22:43 · 4 answers · asked by rtobor84 3 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

I am trying to get some closure. I have been being treated for my social anxiety disorder, but I pretty much lost 6 years of my life. I can't just "get over it". Please don't make me feel any worse than I already do.

2007-01-28 15:37:48 · update #1

4 answers

imvu is a 3d messenger that will allow you to create a dancehall, do your makeup and dress up your avatar

2007-01-28 20:35:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't know of any, but you could try searching chat rooms on the net, or I think Yahoo has chat rooms. If you really want to do this, you could at least talk the other people in the room into pretending. But the person above me had a point, high school was pretty much a waste of time. It wasn't as great or exciting as everyone made it out to be- especially prom. If you can't find some place where you can experience a virtual prom, you could always volunteer to chaperon at the local high school for theirs. As to make up for all the games and stuff you missed, I personally prefer college sports a million times more than high school sports. They are way more exciting (GO SU!) Good luck!!!

2007-01-28 23:41:49 · answer #2 · answered by ilovesubasketball 4 · 0 0

Uhm, high school was bunk. If you're hanging out with people who believe that high school was the best time of their life or an experience worth having, then you're hanging out with losers. You didn't miss out on anything. Just go play some Sims 2 expansion packs or something if you think it'll help, but really, your question just reaks of an unhealthy mind. You're setting yourself up for depression if you're not depressed already. Treat your social anxiety and live life now. The past is over. Get over it.

By the way, I read your question as "does anyone know of a virtual porn site" and that made me laugh.

2007-01-28 23:29:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I don't know of any virtual prom site girl, but good luck finding one if it exists and I'm sorry that you missed it! Don't worry, there's bigger things than prom :)

2007-01-28 23:28:43 · answer #4 · answered by Green-eyed Nikki 5 · 0 0

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