The answer is 18. U would be money ahead the longer U stay with them if U bank what Ur going 2 be paying on rent & utilities bills. Once U get out Ur going 2 see it's tuff out in the world. Do U have a good job 2 support Ur self? If so bank as much as U can, that will give U a pillow 2 fall back on in hard times, U will go thru some, be prepared 4 them. I remember when I was Ur age & ready 2 get out on my on. Something to think about Ur 1st move & moving is expensive, U have 2 put down deposits on everything until U build up a rental history & Ur credit. 2 help U build up Ur credit U outta get a credit card & make 1 purchase, then pay it off & put the card up. This will help Ur credit. There R so many expenses U may not have thought of. If U need more advise contact me I can help U a lot. Looking back I should have done as I'm suggesting 2 U. Use Ur best judgement. Hope this helps & gives U something 2 think about.
2007-02-01 09:07:41
answer #1
answered by Blues Man 7
When you have a job and can financially support yourself. That means paying all of your bills by yourself. In most states you have to legally be 18, you cannot sign a contract for an apartment until you are 18 without your parent's help.
2007-01-28 15:20:52
answer #3
answered by janicajayne 7