If it's causing serious emotional problems, and it cannot be coverd with make up, look into laser birthmark removal.
2007-01-28 14:45:07
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Laser procedures can remove scars harmlessly and painlessly.
It is really the only full proof way to permanently remove marks. The cost varies. (It's probably going to be a bit expensive) if you are traveling to China for some reason, it would be much cheaper there.
If the cost is an issue, consider cosmetics. A good concealer that matches her skin tone will cover up that mark. (Note: A stick concealer will give a heavier coverage. And lightly powdering the concealer afterword will keep it lasting. *Use a matching powder)
Honestly, tell her that a mark isn't going to ruin her life and that it is just another part of who she is and it is just another unique thing about her. She shouldn't be holding back just because of a mark. How ever, it is her decision and let her decide.
Hope I could help!
2007-01-28 22:48:25
answer #2
answered by paperclip 3
No one is perfect. Try and put it in perspective. Tell her that life is not about how you look but the loving attitude you have towards yourself and others. Acceptance is the key and beauty is unique to each person. My daughter was born with a birthmark on her forehead. She is only 11 months and I will raise her to not place so much importance on being different but to be proud of being one of a kind.
2007-01-28 22:46:28
answer #3
answered by butterbeansprout 1
It could be worse...I have a friend who has a giant spot on his head that's black, and he's got blonde hair...he looks like a dog sorta.
Just put some concealer on it. Talk to a dermatologist too because some birthmarks can develop problems.
2007-01-28 22:44:08
answer #4
answered by missknightride 4
She could have it removed, I have a friend that had the same problem and she had it removed with no complications. Or she could scrunch her hair with gel and put it into a half pony tail, I always thought that was cute. Or just put into a half ponytail with straight hair, but that might not cover the birthmark depending on how much hair you put up.
2007-01-28 22:43:00
answer #5
answered by Brooke 2
well you should buy her some make up to bring attention to the rest of her face and not her birthmark, and get her some hair acessories like those plastic hair bands, and tell her that her birthmark makes her unique and beautiful and she doesn't need to hide her beautiful face.
good luck , and also you are a great aunt trying to help your niece.
2007-01-28 22:42:12
answer #6
answered by DEJA VU 2
Try to be supportive and show how even gorgeous ppl have flaws. DO NOT PUT HER IN MAKE-UP, she'll just develop a dependancy on it and she will just avoid the real issue here-how she feels about herself. Re: Cindy Crawford's mole, Tyra's huge forehead.
2007-01-28 22:53:36
answer #7
answered by spacebttrfly23 2
you can't fix her. No one can fix her. she needs to find ways to love herself even when other people won't . You might be her best bet for finding her way. Stay close to her, protect her. But let her experience some pain. She will grow up, I guarantee it.
2007-01-28 22:44:38
answer #8
answered by BIGDAWG 4
If she's old enough, I would consider having it removed. It's a one shot permanent solution that can really help restore her self esteem.
2007-01-28 22:41:23
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
A dermatologist may be able to remove it or lessen its appearance
2007-01-28 22:40:36
answer #10
answered by Benjamin 3