1. Consider installing porn content filtering software( Strongly Recommend NetDog Porn Filter,you can get it from www.netdogsoft.com ) on your computer. it will help to protect you from stumbling into pornography by accident, That's important.
2. Do not try to guess what the address of a Web page is. Many pornographic sites have similar addresses of respectable sites. For example www . whitehouse . com is a porn site. The real address is www. whitehouse . gov
3. Never click on Web site addresses that you receive in an unsolicited email.
4. Do not open attachments that come in email that are unsolicited.
5. Use filtered search engines or reputable directories to find the information you need.
6. Do not search for terms like girls. Think before you enter a search term.
Stick with reputable sites.
If something looks questionable, don't let curiosity get the best of you. Delete it or close the window.
Internet Porn Filter Resource:
2007-01-29 16:48:49
answer #1
answered by beyondhelper 4
2016-07-27 05:55:14
answer #2
answered by ? 3
Hide it in a box marked Camping Equipment or Auto Maintenance Tools. She will never find it. Then, only get it out when she is gone.
You must have a new GF or be newly married. That is usually the only reason a man asks about not watching porn. Ask her to watch it with you. Might work, might not, don't know until you ask.
To those above answers, all men are addicted to porn. If they "are not" it's because they hide it well, or they have been married so long, they gave up.
2007-01-28 14:57:25
answer #3
answered by ? 5
There are no tips. You don't find porn... porn finds you... j/k
Just don't treat that stuff as priority in your life. Take on a new hobby. Hang out with the guys and play poker. Go to the gym. Lots of things to do to keep busy in your life.
Good luck...
2007-01-28 14:31:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Just remember how perverse and sick it really is.... Think about what it does to your mind and family when you do this.... Is this really fair and does it cause more hurt and pain than pleasure??? If you have an addiction or problem seek counseling and help for this... You really need to fantasize about your spouse instead of sick people who cant even have a straight or moral relationship on these flicks or pics... Do you ever see anyone staying true to anyone on there and also remember this they are usually someones husband or wife or daughter or son doing this and this is just not right!
2007-01-28 14:32:27
answer #5
answered by Lady Hewitt 6
just slowly stop watching it. theres nothing wrong with watching porn anyways. as long as you are not addicted to it. If it starts interfering with your everyday life than yeah you have a problem.
its all good buddy
2007-01-28 16:08:06
answer #6
answered by okinaps319 3
Close your eyes and just listen... just kidding , do you want to stop because your girlfiend has or may find out. If not It aint gona kill you .
2007-01-28 14:30:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Sin is a disease, if you feed it, it will never go away....God hates sin....Jesus loves us so much that He died on the cross for our sins, He can help you, all you have to do is invite Him into your heart.....God bless ya
2007-01-28 14:34:03
answer #8
answered by Bert 4