most of the people above sound pretty off.. lol.. only read first 4 or so... but yea.. here
Gorbachev - Got the ball rolling on ending the USSR. Ended the Cold War with the U.S. Westernized the USSR. His proud resignation officially ended the soviet union (communism). Created the CIS, commonwealth of independent states.
Russian SFSR - Freed Gorbachev from house arrest. It was ordered by Gorbachev's vice pres., and his top officials. If the SFSR didnt help free him, the other top officials could have succeeded in reapplying Stalin-type communism in Russia.
George H.W. Bush - Ended Cold War with USSR + Gorbachev
Boris Yeltsin - His election by voting officially ended the USSR. We worked to westernize Russia. Even opened a McDonalds in its capital state.
Vladimir Putin - First president of Russia who claims to be a Capitalist
Ronald Reagan helped some too..
2007-01-28 13:07:55
answer #1
answered by Corey 4
President Reagan, he went against congress and pushed Star Wars through, forcing the Soviets to spend billions a program that did not exist, basically. This bankrupted the soviets and the whole time the democrats fought Reagan saying he would get us into a nuclear war. again they were on the wrong side.
2007-01-28 20:35:22
answer #2
answered by 007 4
the communist party in the soviet union had been on a collision course for years. the fall of communism in Russia had nothing to do with Ronald Reagan. Although you will get answers to the contrary.
2007-01-28 20:33:13
answer #3
answered by truth seeker 7
1) Ronald Reagan.
2) Margret Thatcher
3) Pope John Paul II
Without these three people working to defeat the tyrannical destructive corrupt ideology known as communism, the USSR would likely still be around.
Thank GOD for these three visionaries. They freed the world!!!
2007-01-28 20:35:15
answer #4
answered by x 4
Communism pretty much fell from it's own weight. It is just not a sustainable way to live. It also got a healthy shove from Ron Reagan.
2007-01-28 20:35:03
answer #5
answered by barry c 4
It's all Clinton's fault.
2007-01-28 20:35:19
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
no one. it's too hard to explain.
2007-01-28 20:43:35
answer #7
answered by !{¤©¤}! 4