it has just been brought to my attention that me and my hausband have less than a month to move from our current residency. although we are not legally married we introduce ourselves as husband and wife. last year he was in a life threatening car accident which left him with alot of nerve damage and is unable to work. he luckily is able to collect social security which isnt that much. at the present moment i am the only one with a stable income and because of our current situation as far as moving is concerned we want to relocate to another state which i am currently looking into for jobs before the move. my question is this is there a way that ss or public assistance would be able to assist us with moving expenses even if we are not legally married? if so how would i go about getting more information on this matter. and would it be easier if we were legally married. thank u to all those who took an interest in my dilemma. and any suggestions will be tried and greatly appreciated.
3 answers
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Politics & Government
➔ Law & Ethics
ok about the public assistance not necessarily help out with moving expenses but because he is disabled would he be entitled to assistance since he cant work
12:43:49 ·
update #1