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Next week me and my mom are going to be searching for agents... I have alot of questions

1. How many pictures should we put in the letter for the agents
2. what do we need to include in the envelope
3. What numbers should we put...House or Cell
4. what do we need to put on the back of the pictures...
You would be a big help

2007-01-28 09:26:14 · 2 answers · asked by ballerinagirl 2 in Arts & Humanities Theater & Acting

2 answers

At least 4 2 head shots, and one profile, and one glamour. Include a letter describing your experience and talent, use both numbers if you have an answering machine and just sign your name and phone on back.

2007-01-28 09:34:40 · answer #1 · answered by Boston Bluefish 6 · 2 1


1. ONE an 8 x 10 headshot
2. Cover letter, Headshot, Resume
3. YES both and an email
4. Attach your Resume to the back of the Headshot (I print mine on the back) don't forget to trim the edges so that your resume is 8 x 10 also.

Lastly but not least . . .
it goes over all of this in detail including what should be in your cover letter. What makes a good headshot. What your resume should look like. All in all it is a great book!


Good luck! Let me know how it goes!

2007-01-28 09:38:32 · answer #2 · answered by Jtotheunior 3 · 0 0

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