it depends...
if he makes bad choices without trying to think the consequences first... and he keeps on doing it and not trying to stop doing it...
leave him alone...
one day you will get the consequences that he has...
he is a person who never learn
he is a person who need hard lesson so that he will learn...
he is a person who will bring problems into a relationship
people will doubt him
he wont get promotion
he wont get good and healthy friends
his future is dark (jail maybe)
if he tries not to make a bad choice.. but by accident he does...
if he tries to learn....
if he doesnt like the bad choices but cant help doing it....
help him!!
your support will encourage him to makea better choices!!
2007-01-28 06:14:43
answer #1
answered by citra 2
That's tricky. Love is not necessarily the same as support, and maybe you SHOULDN'T support their bad choices, if you love them. I'd say just stay out of it as much as you can. If they want to know why, explain it doesn't feel right to you to support what you honestly think is a bad choice. Don't lecture or preach, tell them it hurts you to have to withdraw under these circumstances, but you can't pretend to be happy when you really think what they're doing is wrong! Could we have some more details please?
2007-01-28 14:11:41
answer #2
answered by jen 2
Well.. guess what.. I am out of love since Friday..and I don't know really why I am telling you that, but the reason is that he's always made bad choices and made me realise that he likes to hurt me.
You must be too generous to be loyal and supportive to someone who doesn't deserve it, even if you love them...
2007-01-28 14:13:04
answer #3
answered by moulin.rouge 3