Try Cocoa Butter, also I always see ads for creams, I don't know if they work, but I guess you can always ask for a refund if is doesn't
2007-01-29 09:23:20
answer #1
answered by yesette 4
Unfortunately, there's not a whole lot you can do after you already have stretch marks. Some women get them no matter what and others never will. They will, however, fade with time. They don't completely go away, but they will get smaller as your skin begins to go back to normal and they will turn a silvery color. You can try several different creams but really it's time that will help you out the most. Just stay moisturized and take care of your skin.
A couple of products that might help: Dr. Palmer's cocoa butter or Dr. Palmer's Stretch Mark Ointment/Lotion. You can also ask your doctor about an appropriate form of Vitamin E that is said to help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. I wouldn't recommend a product like Mederma because of the sheer amount of space you would have to cover with it. It's expensive and very inconvienent to use. Your doctor might have some better suggestions.
Don't worry, though. In the next year or two your stretch marks will really fade. If you get back to your pre-pregnancy weight they will also begin to get smaller or thinner in appearance. In the long term they should be hardly noticible to other people unless they're really looking for them.
Best of luck and enjoy your new bundle!
2007-01-28 05:54:47
answer #2
answered by Woman 1
Stretch marks really has less to do with how much weight you gained and more to do with genetics and the elasticity of your skin. Some women don't get ANY (lucky girls!) and some get them SO bad. And there really isn't any way to prevent them altogether...if you're going to get them, you'll get them no matter what.
The lighter and "fresher" or newer the mark is, the easier it is to fade them. When they're deep or dark or have been around for a while, it's less likely you're going to have much luck fading the scars.
However, you could try rubbing vitamin E on break open a vitamin capsule and rub some on the marks. Cocobutter or shea butter lotions help to keep the skin soft and supple also. Avon has an "Anti Stretchmark" cream that will fade some light scars...and it actually does work on the lighter scars.
I got very light ones on my breasts and then some light-medium ones on my hips and thighs. They're still there, but I have used Avon's cream and some other ideas to try to fade them a bit, and it's worked to FADE them, but not make them go away completely. Basically, I've just accepted the fact that I have them and I look at them as my "battle scars". =P Mine are really only visable when my skin is darker (like during Spring and Summer).
The good thing is they usually do fade on their own with some time.
2007-01-28 06:12:02
answer #3
answered by Megan V 4
Unfortunately there isn't a whole lot you can do. Stretch marks do fade and turn a light silver color with time. I have heard that (this is on stretch marks that still have that pink coloring to them) you can have them removed by lasers. I've not done this so I don't know much about it. I guess I figure I really didn't want a life as a stripper anyway. The only person who sees my stretch marks is my husband (and in my oppinion he's half the reason I have them lol) and quite frankly he really doesn't care about my stretch marks. It's just part of having children.
2007-01-28 05:53:27
answer #4
answered by 4
Well some never go away.
They do fade with time. They turn white and blend into the skin. Although the real big dark ones will always look like scars.
My experience...the ones on my hips and stomach faded...can still barely see them. THe ones on my boobs have never went away just turned a little paler. And the ones on my thights too.
I used palmers cocoa butter the entire two pregnancys. And they say if you tan you can get them to blend in to your skin sooner.
It has been five years since the first baby took about a year or so.
Four months with second. And the ones on my hips are fading slowly.
2007-01-28 06:16:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I read in a magazine that if you can get laser treatment or microdermabration very soon after you have the baby when your strech marks are still red and inflamed, that it will get rid of them. I dont know if this will work for you or not, depending on how long it has been, but the magazine said after that there is little to nothing that you can do. Creams may help slightly and over time they do fade, but you are pretty much stuck with them after that.
good Luck!
2007-01-28 06:30:20
answer #6
answered by emilyanne 2
I got some when I was pregnant. The worst were thick ones on the side of my hips. I didn't put anything on them at all and its almost 4 years later and they are so pale you can barely see them. The skin is a tad bit shinier on the marks than my other skin. You can get one of those creams that reduce scarring. Strivectin, Mederma & Trilastin are 3 that I have heard of that have worked fairly well for friends.
2007-01-28 05:53:44
answer #7
answered by nikipowpezz 2
I hardly got any stretch marks with my daughter, I drank ALOT of water and took my prenatals as I should have, i also used Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula. I got maybe 2 or 3 on my sides and only 1 on both of my breasts. Strivectin works wonders, but as it says above it is on the pricey side. Stretch marks are forever. Be happy you have a beautiful little one.
2007-01-28 08:36:58
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
They faded over time without my doing anything.
Then I got pregnant again and rather than using all the original stretch marks I got NEW ones.
Now I'm waiting for all the old ones and the new ones to fade again.
2007-01-28 05:59:30
answer #9
answered by Heather Y 7
microdermabrasion on the stretchmarks will work well if they are still light pink/red in color...if they have already scared and are dark red or closer to black then it will not. Contact an esthetician at your local derm office ans they will be able to do it there most likely. This is expensive but well worth it. I got just a few on my thighs after my daughter was born and they are completely gone after having the microderm done. But you need to get started right away! Good luck!
2007-01-28 09:05:23
answer #10
answered by mommyto2 2
Don't panic they will fade to a silver colour and you wont notice them. Dont be ashamed of these mark these marks show that you have brought a baby into the world be proud of such an achievement
2007-01-31 22:19:16
answer #11
answered by Allie A 1