I think that it's not impossible for a really good and conscientious parent, but impossible for most people these days who were raised by hippies who broke down the moral code to begin with and never taught their children right from wrong because they didnt know it themselves.
Alot of sex and violence is directed at children by the media and there are parents who truly believe that no matter what sort of video games their kids play or movies they watch their kids will be ok. Why? Because they are THEIR kids. THEIR kids would never do anything that bad--they are good kids. Makes sense (to them) until the day their daughter comes home pregnant, or with an std, or in handcuffs. If you bring this to the attention of parents they will simply say "it's not my problem it's THEIRS". Nope, not a problem until your daughter comes home after being date raped by a boy who idolized Eminem, or what about when these kids who learned no morals get bigger and terrorize us (rob, rape, murder) when we are older? It affects us all.
People think that they can expose children to anything and it is of no consequence, so we will have less and less good families, because we will have less and less good people (and good is something you do, not what you personally think of yourself or your kids).
People are not supposed to let young kids watch things like South Park (even though I love the show it is NOT intended for kids!), or really anything with sexual or violent content. No one should ever play GTA but especially not an impressionable kid! Music videos tell the kids what is cool, and pimping is cool, being a whore is cool, sleeping with whoever you like is cool and being a violent criminal is cool. There arent even any family movies being made anymore! No ET, no Ghostbusters, Goonies, Karate Kid, Superman (the new Superman showed examples of bad morals on behalf of the supposed good guys)! Movies are segregated. Mature content movies, teen movies, kids movies, it even breaks down into chick flicks and guy movies--nothing the whole family can watch because there is an agenda to break up the family unit. This corruption is definately serving a purpose. It's strange isnt it that teenage men have always had ample amount of access to firearms (even more in the past than they do today), but now they commit more murders with guns than they ever did before? The media blames the gun, the defender of our freedoms (look up our founding fathers). Why don't we put guns on trial when someone is murdered? Because a PERSON pulled the trigger and now more people WANT to pull the trigger than ever before. Guns have not changed, but what we see on tv is far different than what we saw 20 years ago.
However, I do believe if you severely limit the amount of tv they watch (if they must watch it at all), protect your child's innocence (they only have one chance to be a child), and if they do see something potentially corrupting you must take the time to explain the FACTS of why that particular action is wrong and let them know that you disapprove. I think if you constantly instill goodness in your child they can eventually reject on their own the images that are contrary to good character. It just takes strong parents. Now that most families are single mothers (a wonderful achievement of the hijacked feminist movement), it is even harder for parents to be strong.
Our ancestors did things the way they did for thousands of years for a reason--because it worked. Now that taboos are almost completely broken down so is civilization. Once these kids grow up and terrorize us with crime, we will beg the government to intervene--and they will--with cameras, gun bans, increased police powers, curfews, and doing away with due process altogether just to start. Oh yes there is alot of power to be gained from the corruption of our youth, and this is just the beginning--think 1984.
2007-01-28 06:02:48
answer #1
answered by everythinguknowiswrong 3
I don't like the idea that we need to raise them by someone else's standards. I think we should speak up when we see abuse. But if I slap my childs behind I don't want to answer to a politician.
2007-02-02 06:16:13
answer #2
answered by cheryle222 2
our government makes it hard to raise children,they always have "say so" when they said you cannot spank your kids things went out of the window. how can you stop a kid from acting out if you don't spank his a$$ after you have told him 20 times no,stop, don't do that! then when the kid is 15 and breaks into a policeman's house he'll day can't you keep your kid under control? my reply would be "no because if i spank his a$$ you'll put me in jail. our youth is in trouble!
2007-02-04 13:19:32
answer #3
answered by saxaphonist 4
it will be very close to impossible. you'll have to pick your battles. and the worlds morals get looser every year, we'll be more and more on our own in regards to any values we may have. all we can do is try to help them be independent thinkers, that they don't have to follow everyone and hope they make smart choices for themselves. and pray, pray a lot.
2007-01-28 05:11:48
answer #4
answered by bosco6159 4
2007-02-04 19:58:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
soon the world will be no more soon we will all be gone
soon only the earth and sky will remaine
soon it will be beautiful
2007-02-05 03:35:27
answer #6
answered by caveman 2
wha? why so negative?
2007-02-03 11:41:37
answer #7
answered by westsidephenom 2
it will be too expensive.
2007-02-02 07:44:04
answer #8
answered by norb4423 3