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5 answers

People are used to hearing islamic-sounding names on television right next to the word terrorist. How many upstanding muslim Imams and community leaders do we regularly hear about on television? None.

Of course many (the majority) of muslims are peaceful people. It is specifically BECAUSE they are peaceful that we never hear about them.

The human brain is all about seeking patterns, sometimes to our own detriment.

2007-01-28 03:33:28 · answer #1 · answered by inkantra 4 · 1 0

Why does the muslin always say christians are evil, they must die, they'er right the christians are wrong.. its a fight that's been going on for the last 300yrs... It will nevr end .. and all good fights blood must be spilled..But the people that you hear this from must be very small mind-ed.. so therefore.. its not like all christians are saying that.. ..however when i see rag heads .. i joke by. saying take cover .. terrorist .. only because ...Ive never liked. them.. i think they should stay in there country.. If they dont like Americans..

2007-01-28 11:45:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Politicians do---the general public doesn't.
Most of the general public is confused by certain things about some Muslim religious ideas. But, generally, most people are just not that interested in any religion, their own included.

The government can say or do anything they have to power to--that doesn't mean it is right, or that the voters approve it. Most people pay no attention to the propaganda.

2007-01-28 11:34:34 · answer #3 · answered by papyrusbtl 6 · 0 1

That can be touchy. Just because a MUSLEM is who he is, does not mean he shares the brain dead thoughts of killing every one in sight. but because of his features, and from ware he comes from, he is marked as bad and ought to be delt with in a hostile fassion.
It's just another way to judge some one, before you get to know him.
One would think, that their own countrymen, would be snssitive enough to realise what will happen to those in other places and back off on their hysteria.

2007-01-28 11:41:00 · answer #4 · answered by duster 6 · 0 1

If the shoe fits wear it!

2007-01-28 11:31:37 · answer #5 · answered by Sgt 524 5 · 1 2

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