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I'm doing an S.B.A on this topic so your ans might be included so please make it a good one. Thank u!

2007-01-28 03:21:26 · 21 answers · asked by D@ni DiC@prio 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

21 answers

not to do it

2007-01-28 03:24:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

Generally I am against abortion, but I do understand that there are times that such a thing might actually be warranted in respect to ones circumstances. I would prefer to see a child carried to term and then given up for adoption simply because that is the more human thing to do and not to mention that there are so many people out there want very badly to have children that cannot. To me abortion should only be used in cases where it is actually necessary and only then. I know several people whom have had an abortion simply because they did not want a child and to me that is wrong.

2007-01-28 08:06:29 · answer #2 · answered by truckerman96 2 · 0 0

Abortion is wrong, it is murder. As the trite saying goes "Abortion stops a beating heart."
Women in this country are throwing away the precious gift of life in unprecedented numbers. They have showed the world that a baby is no longer safe in the ultimate sanctuary of their mother's womb.
In my time counseling women (almost 20 years) I have found none that really wanted to kill their unborn babies. They are pressured by a man, be it a boyfriend, a father or even a husband. Abortion is the ultimate act of womb envy by men who are jealous of the divine, sacred power that only a woman has to bring forth life. Women have been brainwashed to believe that the only thing they can do of any value is to bring home a paycheck. No matter how small that paycheck is, it gives them value. Men no longer want to be responsible for taking care of their wives and children. They would rather have a wife that works and helps them pay the bills than a wife who is a full time mother and cares for her children.
Women have lost more in the feminist movement than they will ever gain.
Look at the pictures of aborted babies on the net. We are killing babies that are no smaller than the babies we are saving every day. There is no longer that line between abortion and murder. We are killing viable babies every day.
In a perfect world there would be no need for abortion. Every baby would be a loved and wanted one. Unfortunately that is not the world we live in. Making abortion totally illegal is no longer an option. With the sophisticated tests that are available now there is no reason for a woman to wait past 6-8 weeks to terminate a pregnancy. Abortion after 10 weeks should only be done in rare, rare cases. Abortions that are done when there is a tiny developed baby that is ripped to pieces are wrong, it is murder, pure and simple.
Women need to return to their true position as the protectors of human life. They need to once again accept the responsibility of carrying the sacred burden of life. There will be a price to pay for what the women of today are allowing men to do to them. It is a more invasive act than rape. It is the ultimate violation. Only women can stop it.
When I see them marching for their "right" to have an abortion I feel so sorry for them. They have bought into an awful lie.

2007-01-28 04:10:34 · answer #3 · answered by Lady Trinity 5 · 2 2

Killing innocent human beings is wrong, and every abortion kills an innocent human being. For more information, see:

Photos and Video of Abortions, Including 1st Trimester Abortions:

Information on All Aspects of Abortion:

Photos and Facts About Prenatal Development:

Pain Perception in the Unborn:

Abortion Stories:

Abortion Risks:

Abortion Deaths:

Free, Confidential Pregnancy Help (including referrals for financial, medical, legal, and housing assistance; free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds; free maternity and baby supplies; pregnancy, parenting, and adoption information; counseling and emotional support):

Pro-Life Answers to “Pro-Choice” Arguments:

Rape and Abortion:

Is Abortion Ever Necessary to Save the Life of the Mother?

The Testimony of Former Abortionists:

A Comparison of Abortion and Other Historical Genocides:

2007-01-28 13:01:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

not 2 do it

2007-02-02 23:43:10 · answer #5 · answered by Mel 5 · 1 0

I had an abortion when I was a teen. I wanted my baby, but my parents wouldn't allow me to live with them if I remained pregnant. At 15 (late 1970's), I didn't know what to do or who to turn to. I did go to planned parenthood, but they really pushed abortion over adoption. Basically, refused to provide information and direction about adoption and advocated for abortion.

That decision haunted me for years. I remember the day I went in for the abortion. It was raining and there was a right to life group marching in protest in the parking lot. Many of them had their babies in strollers uncovered in the rain. I remember thinking, "you don't have the sense to take your baby in out of the cold and rain, but you think you have the right to tell me how to handle my situation?" It didn't make me respect them at all.

I asked my Dr. about what the baby looked like at that point. (I was 16 weeks). He told me it was nothing but a blob of tissue. Totally unrecognizable. He was my doctor, and a professional, so I believed him.

17 years later I was sitting in a biology class in college when they started showing slides of fetal development. I started crying when I realized those crazy right to lifers were telling the truth and it was my doctor who had lied to me. All the guilt, shame, and horror at what I'd done - murdering my own child - came to a head that day.

I no longer feel guilt and shame, because I can't change the decisions I made in ignorance in the past. However, I will counsel any young woman considering abortion, against it.

On a side note - 7 years after the abortion, my first born died of neuroblastoma; a rare form of child hood cancer. That baby was the light of my life and I'd have done anything to save her. She was also the apple of her grandparent's eye. They were devestated at her death. What was even more devestating was the realization that she was actually their second grand child and they'd forced me to murder the first one. There's an incredible amount of guilt and remorse they've had to deal with, due to this. I don't think that if they could turn back time, they would make the same decision, either.

Some may say, God punished me for the abortion by taking my first child away. I don't believe that. However, it did teach me to value my children.

I have 3 beautiful girls now and every second of time I spend with them is very precious to me.

2007-01-28 03:44:27 · answer #6 · answered by S. W 4 · 2 0

Planned Parenthood

2007-01-28 13:03:38 · answer #7 · answered by daryavaush 5 · 0 0

It's a very personal choice, I don't think anyone goes through life thinking they will have one, but we should all have the right and choice people's life's change drastically with children, and some people shouldn't be parents, and yes I know the debate, then they shouldn't have sex, let's be realistic that's not going to happen so what we can do is make birth control easier for people and educate kids.

2007-01-28 03:31:35 · answer #8 · answered by littlegirllost 3 · 1 1

My wife and I can't have children, so I think it would be sad to abort the child when another couple would love to give it a good home. Consider adoption. At the worst, you might make a few dollars, the kid gets a good home, and you will make some couple very happy.

2007-01-28 03:30:40 · answer #9 · answered by Winston S 2 · 4 1

Abortion should never be anyone's primary method of birth control. However, it is impossible to legislate the most moral course of action in every situation. There are cases of incest, cases of rape, and cases of health dangers, and other cases we have not yet imagined where abortion just might be the only sane option a woman has.

Those who are so virulent against abortion should campaign for factual education about birth control. Abstinence only education is scientifically proven to be ineffective. Promise keepers organizations only breed lies. We need to accept the reality of our sexuality and treat it responsibly so abortions never happen except in the most extreme scenarios.

2007-01-28 03:27:52 · answer #10 · answered by inkantra 4 · 4 1

Consider all your options and thoroughly think it over before deciding to do it. Talk to people who are not biased one way or the other and most of all, don't let anyone manipulate you.

Its your body, your baby, your life...take good care of it and do what you truly believe is right and in my opinion, sometimes an abortion is right but lots of times its not. Don't do anything rash. But don't let people force you into having a baby if you aren't ready for it and if you think it wouldn't be good for the baby either.

Other posters have said that they "recommend" abortion if the baby is the result of incest, rape or is deformed. I never "recommend" it and have seen children born from even these situations who had happy productive lives. I've also seen children born who were unhappy, unproductive and a detriment to society simply because their parents didn't want them and mistreated them. Even handicaped children from rape can be wonderful when their mothers sincerely want them and can willingly accept the responsibility. If you don't want the child and can't bring yourself to come to grips with having a child, by all m eans, don't do it. We have too many unwanted, unloved, mistreated children already.

My motto: EVERY CHILD A WANTED CHILD. (Being unwanted is worth than death.)

I'm an elementary teacher and I've seen the results of too many unwanted children and parents who had children without being ready for the responsibility. The result of that is a terribly blow on society...

My final advice...think clearly and talk it out with an unbiased person. Make the best decision you can for yourself, your baby and society. You can make an intellegent decision with all the facts are considered...make sure you make your own decision and it isn't the one your parents, your church, your teacher, or anyone else wants you to make...make it the decision YOU want to make...

Three choices (and they are all choices.)

Have the baby and keep it... (What are the pros and cons of that situation?)

Have the baby and give it up for someone else to raise...(What are the pros and cons of that?...if you think carefully, there are several draw backs to this too...people are reported to have nightmares concerning where their "baby" is...50 years after giving it up. Make sure you are confident in this decision.)

Don't have the baby...(What are the pros and cons of that? If you think carefully, there are draw backs to this to...are you emotionally stable and sure of your decisions? If you are not mentally stable and do this, there may be a problem of depression...but if you are rational, deliberate and sure of yourself, it will be okay. Don't let anyone steal your confidence if this is the choice you make. You CAN have an abortion and not have nightmares or regrets if you are sure of your decision and know it is the right thing for all involved.)

Self confidence and self awareness is the key to all your choices. Quickly decide who you are and what it is you really want. Only you can know that.

I LOVE S.W.'s ANSWER! Straight from the heart and a very real story...her's is a story of someone not old enough to be self confident. Her story can't include what her life would have been like if she had kept the child...it may be that her life would have been a disaster with that decision also.

An abortion is not just a physical thing but a very emotional thing as well...doctors and those who advise don't always take that into consideration. Right to lifer's can be too emotional and doctors, not emotional enough...try to find a friend who is balanced. Know that abortion is an emotional ordeal to be dealt with appropriately. People with political agendas like the people in the "Planned Parenthood" organization swing too much to the left on the issue and "Right to Life Protesters" swing too far to the right and both are dogmatic and can cause you future regrets.

YOU'RE pregnant, its your body and you can make the correct best decision. Hang in there...YOU can do it. THINK!!!

I wish I could talk to you in person...Take care of your life...take care of your future!!! Don't let anyone influence you through fear and intimidation...all choices are good choices if you've thought them out. Don't let any doctor talk too much science to you...this is much more than pure science!!! People who make you afraid with their words and movies of abortions have a political agenda and are master's of making you afraid.

Hold your head up high and walk confidently through life. To your own self be true.

2007-01-28 03:30:18 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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