Depending on WHERE you are located corporal punishment may or may not be illegal in schools, or even by parents.
Like I always say. If a person can not raise a well minded dog that obeys then how can they raise a child?
What can replace a good spanking at times, sometimes nothing?
Grounding, limiting activities or removal of activities- (EX: You are not going to the movies with your friends today and you will not go out over the weekend.).
Taking away personal items- What is a child to do today without his XBOX? That probably hurts more than anything to today’s TV addicted children.
There are many ways to have alternate punishments.
Kids cussing? They’d be cleaning toilets, potty mouth.
Not respecting others possessions. Take away their possessions, make them work for the other party to repay the amount lost.
Stealing? If you find they stole something, take them back to where they stole the item. Make them own up to their offence.
Small children.
Biting? Bite them back
Child starts to hit. Hit them back. Sometimes they come at you with a fist and start hitting you. Push them down. They tend to get the message that they can’t win.
There are creative ways to make children more conscientious. It just takes a smarter individual to raise a good child. When I see bad kids I see bad parents. Sometimes a good smack across the face is NEEDED. I’ve seen kids call their parents cusswords. NO REPERCUSSIONS, these parents are getting what they deserve. Those parents usually deny or make excuses for their ill-behaved children. Unfortunately those children grow up and the trouble they create compounds into higher crimes.
Personally growing up I never seen corporal punishment work on bullies. The parents were terrible cases and had just as low IQ’s as the kids or would NOT accept that their children were bad in the first place.
As for children shooting up schools. Those children that do that are for the most part bullied.
You hear it all the time. “They were good kids that cracked.” How could they NOT CRACK under the stress? If the child told a teacher, the bully beat up the kid for telling. Teachers also stated, “no one likes a tattle tale.” If the child told his parents and the parents brought it up before the principal of the school. The principal would then reprimand the bully. HOW? Suspension? OK, give the kid a vacation. IN SCHOOL HOUSE suspension? Ok, he got to do his work than mess around for the rest of the day. WHAT PUNISHMENT is that? NOT….. So the child that is always bullied understands that if he tells he gets bullied more fierce, by NOT telling he receives less physical abuse.
STATE SPONCORED MILITARY SCHOOLS. This is for EXTREEM CASES of VIOLENT MULTIPLE REPEAT OFFENDERS. This would teach children that you CAN NOT keep repeating to break the rules or laws that protect our good citizens. Parents resort to this type of action privately by sending bad kids to boot camps. But as I said, some parents do not accept that their children are bad.
Sorry for the RANT..
2007-01-28 03:09:26
answer #1
answered by Renoirs_Dream 5
Regarding the law, there is a misconception that corporal punishment is illegal in all states. It isn't. You need to look at your state's laws -
The reason that many people do not support corporal punishment is that it leads to physical abuse in SOME cases. If you are spanking the child while you are still angry, that is an incorrect use of corporal punishment. If you are spanking the child more than two or three times, that is physical abuse. If you are using a belt or any other kind of whip, a paddle, or any instrument intended to inflict pain (Other than your hand or a spoon), that is physical abuse. If you are using corporal punishment on a baby or toddler, that is physical abuse because they cannot understand their offense and/or cannot control themselves at that age.
If you feel that corporal punishment is warranted, use only only two or three swats, do not hit hard enough to leave marks or bruises, and make sure that corporal punishment is used only on children old enough to understand that this is a consequence of their actions. After you use such punishment, make sure to tell the child that you love him/her, and you know that they will not do it again.
In terms of other methods of punishment, there are parenting classes all over the place that will train you in other methods of punishment - time out, denial of privileges, paying back the parents for broken items, etc. All of these work in situations where corporal punishment is not appropriate.
2007-01-28 10:37:45
answer #2
answered by TLBFH 3
Why because some feel good people who don't know squat about discipline are trying to run families.
Corporal punishment has been told how bad it is and let look at the results. My parent believe in corporal punishment and parents before and the crime rate was low.
Now we ban it the crime rate jumps.
We don't teach kids discipline they can scream at their parents in the mall like "I HATE YOU YOU B****!" If I did that I won't be here today.
Now what is the alternative hard and fast rules when violated you lose privileges.
That inculds TV, cellphones, cars, etc.
Also teach kids they are responisable for their actions.
2007-01-28 09:37:17
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Mainly because of some one got offended by someone whipping thier child and got upset about it. Then "they cried to someone,and, it snowballed from there, the next thing we knew, laws were being passed by the governments, all in the name of "protecting the children", Now, I will admit, some children do need protection, but, the mass majority of them could use a good old fashion butt whippin'. Maybe then there wouldn't be so much violience in the schools. I've had mine blistered a few times and it hasn't hurt me one bit. I belive, if anything it made me better. Dr. Spock and all his followers can Kiss my behind and go to Hades for all I care... Let the Beatings Begin....
2007-01-28 09:44:31
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Follow the links........My opinion......we need more corporal punishment.......when I was a kid we had it in the schools and no one was bringing guns to schools and killing everyone.
2007-01-28 09:30:58
answer #5
answered by Monte T 6
Dr Spock never had kids...They don't come with instructions and the government should not tell me how to raise them they have enough problems of there own!
2007-01-28 09:29:24
answer #6
answered by no one here gets out alive 6