The best thing you can fo is get rid of the dust mites. Put plastic over your matress, then wash your sheets and matress pad often.
If you do not want to cover the mattress; you could vaccum your mattress if and only is your vacuum cleaner has one of theose hepsa filters (if memory serves) often.
If your vacuum cleaner doesn't have a filter; you will make the problem worse not better.
2007-01-27 21:40:48
answer #1
answered by Rev. Two Bears 6
yoga is an union of mind, body & soul... it contains 8 steps... the 8 fold path: 1. Yama - moral disciplines 2. Niyama - the path of self-restraint 3. Asana - physical postures (commonly only asans are refered to as yoga) 4. Pranayama - controlled breathing 5. Pratyahara - focus toward inwards 6. Dharana - step focussing on concentration 7. Dhyana - meditation 8. Samadhi - the final stage / nirvana Thus the asans & meditation are both a part of uniting the body and soul with the universal energy! In case you are more interested you search for sites that deal with yoga... there are loads of information on the web & if you in mumbai you could visit the yoga institute in santacruz they have a library
2016-05-24 07:49:13
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Meditation response further down but some facts about causes, treatments. Pollen is only one of the causes. Even after frost kills off the last ragweed blossom, many people continue to suffer from allergic symptoms. Exposure to house dust, a major cause of year-round suffering, intensifies as people head indoors for the winter.
Symptoms of an allergy to house dust are often mistaken for colds as they include runny nose, nasal congestion, itchy and watery eyes. Dust is also capable of triggering an asthmatic attack in people with allergies. When dust is identified as the specific allergen causing one's winter misery, it may be possible to eliminate it sufficiently to provide marked relief from symptoms. An allergist can prescribe immunotherapy. Allergies are the result of the body's hypersensitivity to some normally harmless substance. Immunotherapy slowly desensitizes the allergic immune system with injections of small amounts of the allergen over an extended period of time.
A person meditates so as to recognise that his true core identity is one and the same as that for all individuals - sometimes described as a universal conciousness. When an accomplished meditator attains that awareness he knows with absolute certainty that he is not limited in any way, that he is totally omniscient, that he has all the powers we attribute to God. So he has miraculous healing powers.This radiates out to and heals others of every kind of suffering and illness. I became a disciple of Swami Muktananda in 1976 and went to live in his ashrams and toured with him for almost three years. Being in close proximity to a great guru is the best way to learn true meditation and over time you imbibe from him all his powers and you become cured also. Muktananda died several years ago. But you can also imbibe his power and healing from reading his books in which he gives detailed instructions on meditation and from his tapes and videos. If you do a Google search for Swami Muktananda you willl find them. Some books are out of print but are available on Ebay. I wish you the best.
2007-02-01 03:47:38
answer #3
answered by Mukunda M 7
Not sure on the yoga--
but some info on allergies. They are a product of your own immune system overreacting to something harmless.
So if you can figure out a way to re-direct your immune system, then you'll be in business-- and I'd love to know the answer too!
2007-01-27 16:50:55
answer #4
answered by Lisa the Pooh 7
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar!
2007-01-27 16:57:36
answer #5
answered by Om... 3
Have you ever heard of Reiki?
Do a search on the net.
If you are interested, there are loads of sites that do free distance healings. This may help...
And getting rid of dust mites.....
2007-02-01 21:54:46
answer #6
answered by originalpuppycat 2
Purchase a neti pot at your local naturopathic school or pharmacy or on the web.
Works great.
Relieves allergy symptoms naturally.
2007-01-28 16:31:57
answer #7
answered by m&m 2
My body builder friend had a very bad cold and after practicing Sahaja Yoga meditation he is free from it. So try it, its free.
2007-02-01 17:13:04
answer #8
not yoga , try accupuncture . i don't know much about but just look it up.
2007-02-03 04:56:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous