I've been employed with my company for about a year now and they've started this new thing of giving every employee company-wide their job reviews for a raise at the same time no matter how long they've been with the company.
Well, I recently had my review and it was supposed to be based on a 1-15 point scale, but instead of that scale, the person giving me my review told me that they were told by the company higher-ups to give us all 10pts and under on everything so that when the next years review comes around that everyone can show some improvement. I dont think that is fair. Sure not everyone deserves a perfect 15 and a huge raise but in some areas, some people do deserve more than a 10. Your final score is used to determine your raise... so if you really deserved a 13 and only got a 10, you're not going to get as big of a raise as you should be getting. It's like rigged reviews & raises. Is this even legal? Is there anywhere I can file a complaint against my company about this?
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