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Im going shopping today. i want to buy Tshirts, Slim Fit jeans, shorts, and sweaters. Also a shirts or tanktops and boxers. What stores sell these things. somewhere the stuff it inexpensive. Like i mostly shop at marshalls, jcpenney, and sears for these things. Whats the best store to buy these thing for less. thanks...

2007-01-27 10:33:33 · 34 answers · asked by Sr 2 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

34 answers

I usually shop at expensive shops (except Old Navy) or boutiques, but here are some cheap places:

Old Navy-Great place for sweaters and jeans
Ross-Maybe just the tshirts
Sears-Shorts or tshirts

Hope it Helps!

2007-01-27 11:30:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you're trying to go inexpensive try going to a thrift store. You can find really nice stuff there that's in really good condition for almost next to nothing. The only problem with that is you have to take the time to look around and actually find stuff you like. If you don't want to do that then I would try several different stores to fit your budget. Walmart is usually really cheap but sometimes I don't like their style although sometime they have great stuff. Also if you're looking for sweaters, depending on what kind of sweater I'd try stores like American Eagle. I'm pretty sure they have hoodies on for around $20.00 right now. If you're thinking that's expensive, compare that to a sweater at Sears... it's soo much cheapier. Old Navy has stuff for all age groups so I'd check them out too. Some of the stuff isn't very expensive but some is. I went when they had a dollar sale one day. I bought a bunch of shirts and skirts, and pants!!! It was crazy!! Make you look for deals and comparison shop, don't just buy the first thing you see. Try other department stores and I guess this depends on where you live but you can try looking in Target, Kmart, Zellers, Walmart etc. Stitches is fairly cheap if you have one close to where you live, but then again depending on your age you may not like the style of clothes there. I'd stick with the thrift stores myself first and check them out for good deals!!! They're awesome! Not only is it cheap, but you can find some great, unique stuff! Goodluck!

2007-01-27 10:46:32 · answer #2 · answered by JackLyN___ 2 · 0 0

Ya shocking enough, You'd be surprised how many name brand clothes you can find in almost perfect condition and many times almost brand new at the goodwill or salvation army. Whenever I feel the need to have something new but don't want to spent the money I search the racks at these stores. The other day I found 4 almost brand new shirts (including a t-shirt from Gap, a cute brown t-shirt from Ann Taylor loft, a beige long sleeve v-neck t-shirt from abercrombie and fitch., and a long sleeve Brown t-shirt that still had the tag on it. All for $20.00. Honestly It is a good way to save money when it's just time for a change, especially when you have children and a really low budget. Have fun!

2007-01-27 10:53:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We have this place called K&G Men's Store here in Atlanta. It is really huge and they have everything for really great prices. Otherwise, I like Sears, JCPenney, and Wal-Mart for underclothes, but they don't really have cool Jeans, Shoes, Shirts, etc. For these items, I go to K&G, Dilliards, Macys, and other department stores.

2007-01-27 10:42:14 · answer #4 · answered by Scott 3 · 0 0

Beal's Outlet is nice... Or Dollar General, Family Dollar, and Fred's sometimes has cute clothes. If you have a Super 10 store in your area they have cute stuff too

2007-01-27 10:55:39 · answer #5 · answered by littlejewel34 2 · 0 0

I occassionally purchase from a 2d-hand save. besides the shown fact that, I verify the outfits carefully on an identical time as i'm interior the shop, and that i wash it as quickly as i'm getting domicile. maximum places have a coverage in place that they wash the products in the past putting them out on the revenues floor. that's to no longer say issues are not getting ignored, yet they often take it slow to sell cleanliness. As for procuring crabs...you do no longer could be at a 2d-hand save for that. you could grow to be contaminated at everywhere the place there is an contaminated individual who touches some thing which you touch. Even the main well-known shops could have somebody attempting on outfits with pediculosis (crabs) and you'd be able to 'seize' it. additionally, most of the garments which you purchase there are in no way-worn. I used to artwork for objective, and the previous outfits that we had to tug of the revenues floor have been donated to 2d-hand shops. in specific circumstances, in case you look, they nonetheless have the unique shop's tags on them.

2016-11-01 10:56:30 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Ross, you get all the department store clothes but at a reduced price, there is no better place unless you want second hand clothes from a thrift store.

2007-01-27 10:40:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

KOHLS!!! or tj max ( i usually dont buy clothing there so i dont know about quality but they have cheap stuff) old navy works too. boscovs maybe?
try kohls.com for " preview " b4 you go out...or if you wanna shop online.
kohls is amazing!!!
Kmart and walmart are cheap but not good quality so in the end you'll end up spending more.

2007-01-27 10:37:02 · answer #8 · answered by <3pirate 6 · 0 0

Old Navy
Somewhere in the mall just check out theres stores.

2007-01-27 10:40:38 · answer #9 · answered by Thrills 5 · 0 0

Any and all stores are fine. Just watch for sales ads in your local paper or fliers that you get in the mail. Then make your rounds.

2007-01-27 10:38:59 · answer #10 · answered by Vida 6 · 0 0

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