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ok my mum is slightly old fashion and she says i am too young for make up but i don't think i am so i cant go shopping with her so i am trying to buy it over the internet i don't want anything tacky or bad that will iritate my skin just normal make up so could you give me some advice like what is better blusher or foundation and i have quite pale skin so could you direct me to web pages where they might have my shade or foundation, blusher...

2007-01-27 09:58:35 · 14 answers · asked by mara 2 in Beauty & Style Makeup

14 answers

MacCosmetics.com they are awesome!

2007-01-27 10:05:55 · answer #1 · answered by Topanga 3 · 0 0

Okay, if you don't want your mom to get angry then skip the Foundation altogether. Honestly, foundation is probably the worst thing for your skin since it covers your whole face. If you can avoid it forever, then do it.

If you buy it online, you will get caught cuz you mom will find it in the mail. Just go to the pharmacy and buy a couple of things.

Start with Loreal moisturizer called "soft". It's pink with rose, viatamin A & E. (It's very light so it won't feel heavy or oily).

Maybelline whipped blush is great. It is light but has lots of pigment so a little goes a long way. Use the shade "whipped strawberries" and dab a little on the cheekbones and then blend it in so you don't have pink spots on your cheeks. You will have a rosy glow, with minimum make up. You will just look great and no one will guess you are wearing makeup. The blush is tiny enough to stick in your purse and apply anywhere.

Buy a glossy lipstick... Something like a pinky mauve.

2007-01-27 18:31:37 · answer #2 · answered by ♥☆ Star ☆♥ 4 · 0 0

maybe you and your mom could compromise on makeup that is very light or only certain products such as lip gloss and blush. i think putting on makeup that you barely notice looks much better than caking on foundation, bright eye shadows, etc. an eyelash curler is not exactly makeup but it is a wonderful tool to help bring more of a focus on your eyes. shu uemura makes a good one. benefit dandelion is also wonderful stuff. you barely notice it but it brings a little color to your face and gives you a healthy looking glow. you can put it just on your cheeks or on your forehead, chin,cheeks, and temples. my mom even uses this!
it is about $26, but is totally worth it. it lasts forever! another great product is clear mascara. you can get maybelline's great lash mascara in clear or, if you have some money to spend, pout wet lash. then use chapstick all natural, and your are set! these products are all you really need. don't forget to take care of your skin and teeth too because healthy skin and teeth makes you look 10 times better. wash your face with makeup remover/face wash in the morning and at night to prevent zits! and don't forget to get your beauty sleep-at least 8-9 hours per night
you can get these products at sephora/department store or cvs

hope i helped!

2007-01-27 19:29:11 · answer #3 · answered by magicalmoments3 2 · 0 0

Go to Marykay.com. Then if your mom freaks and makes your return it it is 100% guaranteed. They will give you a rep in your area. You can order off her web site.

You really should listen to our mum. She has already gone where you are and she is just trying to do the right thing for you.

2007-01-27 18:15:04 · answer #4 · answered by Catherine L 2 · 0 0

Marykay has the best make-up. Easy on the skin but it is pricey...

Good luck, my mom was the same way. But i just started putting on mascara and then subtle eyeshadow and eventually she seen that I didnt want to look like a hooker, I just wanted to cover flaws.

2007-01-27 18:09:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can try a product called Micabella. It is all natural non irritant ingredients. How can you wear make up if your Mom won't let you? Won't she notice it? You really need to try make up to match your skin tone.
Good Luck

2007-01-27 18:13:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I know this might sound completly dorky but you have to listen to your mom! Makeup makes you get more zits and every night you have to wash it off your face...and your mom will end up finding the makeup or end up seeing you where the makeup so it is best that you just listen to her...or if you really really want to where it just try to pursade her...say that younger kids where it...or something along those lines.

end you are probably pretty without it! =]

2007-01-27 18:04:26 · answer #7 · answered by Kristen 2 · 1 0

you can buy benefot blush they have a wonderfull blush that i actually use it is called dandelion it wurks so well even my mom uses it go onto benifit.com and go under blushes and bronzers you will find it there hope it helps oh and they have really good foundations 2 kthnxbi

2007-01-27 18:38:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

listen to your mom.. make up makes you break out so bad... im 16 years old and i just started using it.. and even then i like to use a little bit of it and once in a while... i say you stick to the lip gloss for now...

2007-01-27 18:06:43 · answer #9 · answered by Jessie 4 · 0 0

moms right.i think foundation or anything to cover up your face is not worth it.it clogs your pores.just wash regularly.
mascara or eyeliner could be acceptable,talk to her nicely about it.and be sure to take into consideration what she tell syou

2007-01-27 19:26:11 · answer #10 · answered by nat-ee boo <3 2 · 0 0

Go to www.makeup.com thay have good make up it is miss america dream trust me. I where it really cute my pic is a boy I'm really a girl.

2007-01-27 19:40:47 · answer #11 · answered by erin 2 · 0 0

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