Whenever your body and your baby are ready. It's not the same for everyone. There's really no way to say when it will start for you. Some women have problems with pre-term labor and might start dilating very early on. Moms who have had a baby before might be 1-2 cm dilated from the time of conception. Anyway, how far dilated or effaced you are is pretty useless information unless you are in active labor. You can walk around for a week or more 100% effaced and 3-4 cm dilated (I did with my first) or you can be closed up tight as a bank vault and have a baby a few hours later.
2007-01-27 09:17:14
answer #1
answered by momma2mingbu 7
Everybody is different. Even each pregnancy you have will be different. The textbooks give approximate answers to these questions, but you have to remember they are approximate. It all depends on your body and hormones. You dilate when oxytocin from your brain tells your uterus to start contracting. This puts downward pressure on the baby whose head presses on the cervix which causes the effacement and dilatation. This could happen pre-term or at term (40 weeks). The baby drops into the pelvis near term in the third trimester. Again, there are many factors to consider.
2007-01-27 16:54:30
answer #2
answered by RBRN 5
I think it depends on what baby this is for you. I started dialiting 2 days before i went into labor with my first and with my second and third i was dialated to a 2 or 3 for several weeks
2007-01-27 16:48:49
answer #3
answered by grady e 2
There isn't really a certain week when either of those occur. It just varies. My sister is 35 weeks and the baby has dropped. I was only 29 weeks when my babies dropped. But I had all my babies premature. It is different with every woman. Dilation can occur within days-weeks before delivery.
2007-01-27 16:51:00
answer #4
answered by ashley 2
everyone is different. With my first I started dilating at 35 weeks and the baby didnt drop until labor actually started. With this baby, I started dilating at 35 weeks as well and the baby still ahsnt dropped. I am 37 wks .
2007-01-27 16:53:23
answer #5
answered by mommyto2 2
I haven't started dilating yet. I'm almost 37 weeks (Tuesday). I'm thinning (effacing) and the baby started dropping like on the...32 week I guess maybe the 31st week.
2007-01-27 17:18:06
answer #6
answered by Kimi is 31 weeks 1/7 w/#2! 3
Everyone is different. I started to dilate at 32 weeks with my first (I was 2cm then and 4cm by 36 weeks). With my current pregnancy I didn't start to dilated till 38 weeks (4cm) and well I'm due Monday..hoping this kid will pop out any minute!
2007-01-27 19:28:20
answer #7
answered by ktpb 4
I started dialating a month before having my son.
2007-01-27 16:58:01
answer #8
answered by angelk 3
really... its when ever the baby feel likes it. 35-40 weeks is normal. over due is just not fun, but possible as well.
2007-01-27 16:49:25
answer #9
answered by March Mommie 07 3