umm.... if ur gonna spend money on a straghtner i recommened ''investing'' in it.. u want it to last u a while..usually u can get some for $50 or less but i think that u might as well get one ''worth'' the $$ u put into it... u kno? well if u still want to spend $50 or less...go to like ''ulta'' or ''sallys beauty supply'' they have a large selection and prices vary. maybe a revlon would be good. they last a while... but if u change ur mind and decide to put more money and inves in it i recommemd the CHI.... i have the ultra chi and its awesome! i have had it for 2 yrs now and its just amazing!
good luck
2007-01-27 07:10:12
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
For me personally, all of the straighteners that cost that much, don't do much. It takes me an hour to straighten my hair with the cheap ones because they don't get hot enough. If you have fine hair, maybe they would work for you, but for thick or corse hair, its a waste of $$. You're better off saving for either a CHI brand or ISO brand, both cost approx$100-$140, but they are made with Real ceramic plates, not ceramic coated, which is better for your hair and less likely to damage it. Save your $$ get a good set, you won't regret it, you'll be able to straighten your hair in a flash to salon perfection with the good ones, and they are easier on your hair.
The cheap ones claim to be ceramic, but they are not, they are just ceramic coated, big difference especially after numerous uses and the ceramic coating starts to come off. You want a pair that is made with 100% ceramic plates.
2007-01-27 07:10:52
answer #2
answered by MRod 5
I use the Conair Infiniti one. It works pretty well. It was about $40.
2007-01-27 07:07:27
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I have the ConAir Wet to Straight. It works pretty well.
Good luck with your search!
2007-01-27 07:08:17
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Most straighteners are good. Get one that is ceramic because they keep your hair feeling soft and looking healthy, not dry. Try wal-mart. They have a wide selection and they ALWAYS have LOW PRICES. LOL
2007-01-27 07:08:02
answer #5
answered by angleyez_18 2
I use conair, i bought mine 4 months and i love it. it has 25 different tempuratures. not sure what model it is, but it's black and a little slender. it keeps my hair strait for a long time. i have really poofy hair and i live in south florida, my hairs worst nightmare!!
2007-01-27 07:12:23
answer #6
answered by Rakita 3
You can use the sunsilk straightening shampoo and condition and the hair lotion they come in the purple bottle and just blow dry your hair straight it works really well
2007-01-27 07:10:00
answer #7
answered by ♥ Ash ♥ 2
its an amazingggg straightnener. I have tremendous curly hair. and it extremely works WONDERS to my hair. i used a chi and my bedhead straightener and they artwork practically the very similar.... and plus it has a warmth administration, so that you dont burn your hair. get it! you'll like it!
2016-10-16 04:39:03
answer #8
answered by ? 4
conair works REALLY good on my hair! :0)
2007-01-27 07:08:18
answer #9
answered by lexi(: 3
Conair is pretty good.•
2007-01-27 08:39:07
answer #10
answered by Anonymous