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Hi, all. I just got a job as a hostess at and upscale pub (which means I'll be hanging out here less). they require that I wear all black, with the exception of jewelry and "not over the top" head and neck scarves. pant and skirts are fine. Does anybody have any ideas or favorite style that could help me still have a sense of individuality? I dress stylishly outside of work, and don't want to have to change that. thanks!!!

2007-01-27 06:39:48 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

14 answers

Black... Such a good colour! Only it is SO hard to wear if you are not a perfectly complexioned person!

So- all I can say is watch the fabrics- make sure they are good quality (black washes out so very fast and looks "drained"!) and good finishes. Natural fibres work best but watch cotton as it is rarely colour-fast enough for a good look in black!

Avoid sheen on black for any areas of your body which you do not want to draw attention to as well. In fact I'd avoid sheen on black for lower garments anyway!

Black suit trousers are good if they are wool. Black wool tends to look classier than synthetics and gives a feel of casual expensive. As wool garments tend to be a tad dearer anyway I feel they tend to not skimp on cut either.

As black is dark and light absorbing you can go for something with strong fashion features and special cuts.

I am assuming you are in the US so cannot begin to suggest a shop for black garments with the quality you should be looking for there but here I know that Betty Barclay has cuts which look fab in black. Marks and Spencer have an Italian collection which tends to use good cut and good fabric to maximise on the minimal charm of black.

Black lace on pure black silk looks stunning and if you can find a few key pieces you feel comfortable in and which you know look GOOD then you do not really need all that much more.

Cool is also looking at different transparencies- if you have a good underwear base and a good cami top a sheer silk mouseline or georgette is ACE!

Jewellery? Hmmm... I would suggest that you avoid the stereo-typical gold or silver (or even chrome!) and aim for something with identity- go for something you like. Like an all garnet set or even a nice jade. Something which folk would not expect to see on black. I love labradorite and marquisite. Low key class.


Good luck on the new job and may you be truly rare on the net (meaning that work goes well!)

2007-01-27 07:07:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

All black can be very stylish! (No, I'm not gothic--I'm a musician, I have to wear black a lot).

Make sure your shirts come with a variety of necklines and cuts, just like you would in color. For pants, pinstripes could help make them less boring, and for skirts, shop as you would in color--some shorter (but probably not much above your knees), some longer, some flowy and ruffly, some plain, some with ties, you get the idea.

Wear jewelry all the time--this will help a lot if you feel like wearing a color. I usually like to wear pearls or crystal, though.

As for make-up, don't make it over-the-top. Feel free to wear colored or dark eye make-up, but keep the rest of your face simple. And when you do wear dark eye make-up, don't make it so it looks like there's more make-up than eye!

2007-01-27 06:52:31 · answer #2 · answered by bisous148 4 · 1 1

Why don't you wear black leggings, a black skirt (appropriate length), a long black tank top, a black shrug or half sweater and maybe a silver necklace, silver earrings and a little make-up??You'll look hot!

Good Luck at your new job!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-01-27 06:44:00 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 2 0

losing weight: running, swimming, gym, don't over-eat, include plenty of fruit/veg & water in diet - you want to be healthily slim not starve to anorexia with dull skin hair: cut it the way it best flatters your face & just keep it clean & neat (or messy according to your style but still "neat") make up: stick to regular natural make-up rather than being very creative, leave that for occasions, you don't want to get into the habit of too much makeup at your age (or any age in my opinion) just take care of your skin - there's lots of tips to natural make up on the net clothes: create your own style - shop around if your confused start by going for what fits you best (clothes that look like they were made for you) then elaborate good luck

2016-05-24 05:54:16 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Get you some black pumps. I 'm sure they will not mind if you were some stud earrings. Get you a black mini and a dress black shirt. You will look hot!!!!

2007-01-27 06:47:55 · answer #5 · answered by Megan 2 · 0 0

Buy like nice sweaters , that are styling.....Wear Flkashy jewerly...just the stlyes of the cloths will make you....if it is more stylish...or get what you buy ing black like the style...you know what i mean..

2007-01-27 07:01:41 · answer #6 · answered by =0 2 · 0 0


wait r u asking 4 advice on wat to dress or wat????

may b a cut off teh shoulder black slochy top and a pair of skinny black jeans.... with red disco earrings and a red stone necklace ( like the ones in Yahoo! avatars home page ) and a pair of pumps.......

u could also wear a black corset and a leather mini with leggings and kitten heels...... with a sliver necklace and a liitle smoky eye and clear gloss.........

also a cute slinky silk halter ( of course black) and pair of hot leather pants... for sure u will b the hawtest one there!!!!!!!! and congrats on teh new job!!!!!!

Stay Gorgeous,

2007-01-27 06:42:08 · answer #7 · answered by ♥ Lollie ♥ 5 · 0 1

you could wear unique and colorful jewelry; that will help you show off your sense of style, and people will remember you as the hostess with the cool jewelery!

hope this helps. : )

2007-01-27 06:44:09 · answer #8 · answered by kittyluvr0223 3 · 1 1

go shopping at Hot Topic, they have nothing but black clothes, or go to other stores at the mall. you're bound to find something there.

2007-01-27 06:46:25 · answer #9 · answered by .:Riku's homegirl:. 4 · 0 1

Go to Hot topic most of their stuff is black and really cute!!

2007-01-27 06:53:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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