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I love ebay and have made many successful purchases. I've bought everything from designer handbags to supplies for my in-laws 50th wedding anniversary. Do people think it's low class? It seems like a lot of people I know would never shop eBay. I like it because you can find anything on eBay and you can get great deals. Am I missing something?

2007-01-27 06:33:48 · 10 answers · asked by Aunt Bee 6 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

10 answers

I know what you mean. I LOVE eBay, I buy all of my Mary Kay off of it (and get it at about half price of what I would normally pay to a consultant!) and last night I just bought my boyfriend's Valentine's Day gift, a Nintendo DS Lite (they're sold out EVERYWHERE in stores!) on eBay as well.

I think people shun it because they think the only stuff you can buy on eBay is used... but that's so far from the truth. I buy everything brand new and sealed and still pay much less for it. eBay rocks!

2007-01-27 06:38:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've gone to ebay several times to shop but found it too time consuming. Although there were some good buys, by the time you pay for shipping (in some cases) it turns out not to be such a great deal.

Ebay has thousands of items and sometimes too much is just too much to deal with. I like more intimate sites.

2007-01-27 06:44:10 · answer #2 · answered by perteet@sbcglobal.net 1 · 0 0

eBay only has used and old dirty items. Some of it's new however 93% is used and it may even state that it's new when it's not. I heard stories of people doing sick and disgusted things to items and then selling them just for fun. SICK things. Buy things from trusted websites like http://www.zagahandbags.com if you like handbags as you stated. New is key. With ebay you never know what your getting. eBay also won't help people if you get ripped off. There comes a stage with ebay where they doin't care anymore and it's up to you to get your money or item back. Do you know that 1,293,483 get ripped off a year for an average of $500. One day that's going to be one of us if we keep using this online pawn shop. eBay is dirty and not a good company. That's why it sucks in the NYSE.

2007-01-27 08:49:39 · answer #3 · answered by Sara 2 · 0 1

I love to shop at ebay myself..... i buy everything except
cloths..... and i think its great place to find good deals...half the price. the only reason ppl shun ebay cuz they think the stuff they sell at ebay its all used.. Not everything that sells at ebay is used.!
All the stuff that i have purchased are brand New sealed!!

2007-01-27 07:59:40 · answer #4 · answered by ♥Baby Girl♥ 2 · 0 0

I now avoid EBay completely because of their policy. I went to update my account to change my email address and they said that since I was changing it to a Yahoo email address, it was not verifiable and wanted me to give them a credit card number to verify my identity. I explained that I will not give them a credit card number unless I am making a purchase, and I believe that if I provide this information to them and it is stolen, my credit card company might not cover the fraudulent charges because I wasn't using the card to make a purchase. EBay refuses to back down from this policy and I refuse to give anyone a credit card number unless I am making a purchase. If EBay does not change their policies, they may see even more people like me that will stay away from them forever.

2007-01-27 06:48:24 · answer #5 · answered by JD_in_FL 6 · 0 0

People are afraid of getting cheated. There are some unscrupulous dealers and buyers on Ebay. I got stiffed once on a purchase. There are no returns on most purchases either. Buyer beware.

2007-01-27 06:45:31 · answer #6 · answered by notyou311 7 · 0 0

With them getting too greedy and not honoring their guarantees, the downward spiral has begun.
I am looking for a different place too. Like Amazon or Google.

2007-01-27 06:42:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have never heard of anyone shunning eBay. Tell me are you from CA, like Rodeo Drive or Beverly Hills. Those folks just call their servants to get them stuff, not like the rest of us working stiffs.

2007-01-27 06:41:46 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

ebay is not bad and only snobs think its bad because they have money to pay full price

2007-01-27 06:38:41 · answer #9 · answered by . 5 · 0 1

Because I don't want to buy clothes or supplies that have been worn and used by dirty strangers. It's gross.

2007-01-27 06:41:52 · answer #10 · answered by Mandy 5 · 0 2

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