What you need:
cotton wool
clean stud
ice pack
salt water
What you do:
First clean your ear by using the cotton wool in salt water. Next you need to use an ice pack on the area you want to pierce for about 5-10 minutes until it is numb. Then you dip the stud in the salt water to ensure it is clean and then pierce the ear. Once you have pierced the ear, cleanse the area as before, put the butterfly on the stud and you are done.
Wait at least 6 weeks before changing the stud. Every day, cleanse with salt water, removing any crusting or dry blood and twist the stud around in both directions to ensure it doesn't become stuck.
HTH : )
2007-01-27 09:23:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Get it done properly. Piercing your own ears means there is a serious chance you will get infected. It will also scar, if you get it done professionally the chance of scarringi s very minor, it may hurt less and there is deffinetly less risk of infection as the appropriate equipment is being used!
2007-01-27 14:37:49
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Would recommend you dont do it yourself, as it will hurt alot, probably be in the wrong place and you might get an infection.
I let my friend pierce my ear years ago and I wish I didnt.
Its quite cheap to have it done. They do it at claires accessories (in the UK anyway) and you have a choice of earrings.
2007-01-27 14:37:16
answer #3
answered by uk.housewife 2
You aren't going to like the answer to this but I would suggest that you go and get it done professionally for a number of reasons- it's less likely to result in an ear infection or other complications and if it does you've got somewhere to go for help.
You can do it yourself but it would be really complicated and risky. It'd be much easier to get someone to do it for you.
2007-01-27 14:40:13
answer #4
answered by Arwen M 2
hi , i've pierced my ear plenty of time, no infection what so ever. freeze ur eat with an ice block, then when its pretty cold when u can feel a tingling jab a sterlized needle in ur ear and quickly put an earing in . woola . GOODLUCK.
2007-01-27 15:32:59
answer #5
answered by ellie 2
put an ice cube on the lobe for as long as possible then use a cork and a sterile needle to pierce the ear.
2007-01-27 14:47:58
answer #6
answered by colin-irene D 4
god you just reminded me, i once pierced my own nose, i wouldnt recommend your nose!! (never got infected or anything like that it just hurt! I was 12 and for some reason thought i was cool!)
I used a clean sanitised neadle, cotton wool and applied lots of TCP & Savlon. oo and ice
it would probably be quicker just to get it done at a piercer and cheaper after you've bought the savlon etc, unless you already have that stuff in your cupboard.....make sure you clean it regularly blah blah, look after it...dont use dirty equipment/hands!
2007-01-28 03:22:19
answer #7
answered by Becci 4
put some ice on it, so that that u will numb it a bit, put a cork behind the ear lobe, then stick either a needle, or stich the earing that the piercer used last time you or any of ur firends ppierced their ears.
the earing that piercers use is finer and sharper at the tip.
2007-01-27 14:33:47
answer #8
answered by Lara^mt 5
Freeze your ear with ice or anything out of the freezer, get a piercing stud, have a swift drink, close your eyes and push it through.
2007-01-27 14:33:23
answer #9
answered by scragette2000 5
You should visit a website like Body Modification Extreme (bmezine.com) if seriously considering doing this to yourself. Read the stories and look at the pictures there, you might change your mind, or failing that, follow their advice - use professional services, every time!
2007-01-27 14:48:12
answer #10
answered by Sarah 1