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is it a good idea to get 2 piericings at once or will they let you!! cause i want to get my lip piereced and my ear the industral way striaght a cross!!

2007-01-27 06:21:09 · 5 answers · asked by suzette 1 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

5 answers

It really depends on your pain threshold. The ear won't hurt as much I'm sure... and even the lip probably wont hurt too bad.. maybe just a little bit of tenderness or soarness...

When I got my tongue pierced it didnt hurt it was just awkward to talk for the first 24 hours...
I'm not sure if they regulate the number of piercings you can get in one setting. If they did it might just be so they can charge a sitting fee for each piercing and make money. Call around to a few parlors before you actually go.

2007-01-27 06:30:03 · answer #1 · answered by Shelly Bean 2 · 1 0

well they should let you but you must consider what these piercings require. ear piercings are one of the most painful so you will be in some pain with that and its important to keep them clean. and the lip piercing is going to require constant cleaning because of its location it is more easily infected. so if you can deal with the pain and cleaning of both go for it. but you may want to go one at a time.

2007-01-27 14:27:13 · answer #2 · answered by Alex R 1 · 0 1

as long as u ll pay they should do it for u!
i suggest u save the trip and do them at once :)

2007-01-27 14:25:00 · answer #3 · answered by Lara^mt 5 · 0 0

two words....looks bad.

2007-01-27 14:25:10 · answer #4 · answered by babyj8706 3 · 0 1

u can do that.

2007-01-27 14:25:12 · answer #5 · answered by luhb u much!! 4 · 0 0

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