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4 answers

That sounds like me, with the round face and black hair. Round faces look best with longer hair, (and I love keeping my hair long so this is a plus!) at least 2 in. below the chin. Also, side or off-center parts are best for round faces. Center parts emphasize the roundness of the face. Hairstyles that have more volume at the crown and less on the sides (i.e. big, voluminous curls might not be the best idea) are ideal. Bangs are also do-able on a round face, but stick with side angular bangs. Blunt cut ones are definitely not a good idea. Hwo you cut your hair depends on your hair texture and thickness though. If your hair is thick, do not under any circumstances get a bob haircut. One-legnth haircuts like the bob, especially shorter ones, make thick hair appear thicker and poofy, and provide more volume on the sides of the face which you should avoid. Layers are perfect for thick hair. If your hair is on the thinner side, it's the exact opposite. Layers are the worst haircut choice you could go with. Layers are recommended for those with thick hair to make it appear less thick and poofy. If you have thin hair all layers will do is make the hair look thinner, and a bit wispy. One-legnth cuts, especially shorter ones, are ideal. Hope that helps!

2007-01-27 05:54:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I doubt you may IMplant them... perhaps you may explant them.... Like, have the healthcare professional pull out the more advantageous pores and skin or some thing, hahaha, that sounds freaky, yet I wager it would properly be executed. And no, i'm getting tiny little dimples when I smile, have not ever needed them larger.

2016-12-03 02:55:47 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Shaven, you can always recycle the "Kojack" LOOK, get a Lolly pop "STAVROSE, GET OVER HERE" !

2007-01-27 04:14:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

with round heads

2007-01-27 04:13:12 · answer #4 · answered by kilii 2 · 0 1

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