Uh oh...here it comes!
Anyone got an opinion on Affirmative Action too?
2007-01-27 03:11:56
answer #1
answered by The Smuggler 2
Here's why I am not convinced by the pro-abortion arguments:
1. The woman's life is in danger.
In reality this is very rare nowadays. When her life is genuinely in danger even the Catholic Church allows abortion - however a law should never be passed for the "hard cases".
2. The woman was raped.
Again only a tiny minority of cases. And you must ask yourself, is it fair to punish the child because of what the father did? If the mother really can't bear to bring the child up she can give it up for adoption.
3. It's the woman's body and she should have a choice.
Few people notice the remarkable similarities to the case of conjoined twins (siamese twins). Imagine the scenario where a set of siamese twins are joined in such a way that if one goes for an operation to free himself, the other will certainly die. Would that be fair to allow if the one who must die, doesn't want to die?
The pregnant woman has much less inconvenience than a siamese twin - she will have to go through pregnancy, yes, but only for 9 months out of her whole life. Whereas the child that dies has an entire life wiped out.
Also I think it's entirely unfair to not take the man into consideration at all. Men have rights in their sperm when it's in a sperm bank - it cannot just be destroyed without his consent. Yet as soon as it's a living foetus/baby/whatever you want to call it in the womb, when you would think he has more rights, he has none!
4. It's just a mass of cells and not a baby.
Here I agree with the Catholics that you must view it as a child from the moment of conception. The other extreme is not to view it as a child until the birth (which is what the law says). As technology advances we learn more and more about what happens inside the womb, and it is agreed by scientists that the child can feel pain before the last cut-off date for abortion. If feeling pain doesn't make it alive, what does?!
The reason I think life must begin at conception or fertilization is simply that all babies grow slightly differently. Therefore to give a certain date at say, X number of weeks, as the date that it is deemed to become a child, is unfair and unrealistic. Children born very prematurely can and do survive - yet abortion is allowed really quite late into the pregnancy, even after a date at which a child can survive if born early.
5. The mother simply made a mistake and doesn't want to suffer the consequences.
In a word, tough! In most areas of our lives we have to live with our mistakes. If we do badly at work, we can lose our job. If we make a mistake on the road, we can go to jail. So this is simply not a good excuse.
6. The mother used protection but still fell pregnant.
Because of the reasons I gave about when a child must be alive, I again think this is simply not a good enough excuse. Yes it's a shame, but she can give it up for adoption later. There's no reason to punish the child too and lots of people want to adopt. In fact, many women have children who were unpanned and love them now.
7. It's a quick fix.
No it isn't. Even if the baby weren't an issue at all, abortion can leave a woman infertile. Not to mention the emotional and mental issues at a time when her hormones are already going mad.
In short, 99% of the time abortion is simply an easy way out, and a very selfish one. Everyone knows that children feel pain at an early stage in the pregnancy. A woman is kidding herself if she thinks it's entirely her choice and the child has no interest in the matter.
2007-01-28 13:04:51
answer #2
answered by fr 1
Hi here goes, Well I dont agree with it at all as no matter what a person says the baby is alive and not just a bunch of cells, they have proof if a baby developing hands as nearly 6 weeks which is basically when you find out wheather you are pregnant or not. Also every thing deserves a chance of life and having an abortion is just an easy option and shouldnt of been made legal when it should and should only be proformed if the child or mother is in danger or the child would suffer in later life. I think having an abortion is selfish and I think if you become pregnant when you do its for a reason and the child inside the person didnt ask to be born so it isnt there fault and the parent should live with it. Why should just a mistake the person made from not using protection end up with an innocent being loosing there life.
So as you can tell i dont agree with it but for reasons if it has to be done it has to be done.
There are lot of sites that will tell you more details if you go and do a web search . Look for Pro Life and Anti abortion sites i think this willhelp you with your project.
Also as a women myself i dont think we have the right to make decisions on our body. If we are going to have sex for fun which im sure we all do and if we dont protect our selfs from pregnancy why should our unborn suffer because of our mistakes.
So I think what some of you are saying is selfish as the child no matter what grows very quick inside us and most people dont realise how quick. Even thought it is oour body we should learn to look after it more and give our selves more respect if you dont want to get caught out with a baby.
2007-01-27 09:35:34
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
~ If mother is undergoing treatments, or on pills that could seriously effect baby
~ If mother was raped
~ Takes the life of unborn child, which could be given up for adoption to infertile family
~ Too often used as a way out because someone wasnt careful
Kind of funny how after a child is born, its murder, and before a child is born, its abortion. If medically it is not contraindicated, then there are other choices, such as adoption, if the parents cannot emotionally, financially, or situationally care for the child.
And although it may be the womens body, it takes two people to make the baby, so i believe the male should have a choice in the matter as well, but cannot force a female to have an abortion, but should be able to have a say if he wants to keep and raise it.
2007-01-27 06:52:16
answer #4
answered by anna 2
I agree with Abortion under the right circumstances. These are some situations where i think abortion is acceptable:
Young Teenager
Homeless or very poor
Health Risk
The reasons i disagree with abortion:
Falling out with a partner
Accidently falling pregnant whilst in a steady relationship
Too old
'Not ready'
Under the right circumstances abortion should be accepted, all down to personal perference i suppose
2007-01-28 06:42:45
answer #5
answered by Helen S 1
I don't agree with abortion - if the girl/woman is old enough to have sexual intercourse then they are older enough to face the outcome of their actions. I also feel you are given this child for a reason, many women an their partners spend a big part of their lives trying to concieve and sometimes don't and resort to adoption, abortion is just wrong and it's killing a living being regardless of how big it is.
Also if your unborn child is ill or you feel it won't have the best in life - doesn't mean it won't, if the parent/s feel they can't cope there's always someone who can cope and look after that baby, and love it in the way it deserves.
2007-01-28 03:34:57
answer #6
answered by kazareen 1
I still haven't decided where I sit regarding my opinion on abortion. I do know it wouldn't be something I could live with personally so I made sure I was never in a situation I might have to consider it. I do agree with abortion for women who have been raped, suffered incest, or where the baby would be so handicapped as to have no discernable quaity of life. I do know that some abortion techniques can necessitate dismembering a fully formed foetus (previously given lethal injection) in order for it to be 'evacuated'. There have also been reported cases in late abortions of babies surviving and others taking hours to die after having been delivered but denied care. This is a barbaric way to terminate a human life and not something to be decided lightly.
2007-01-28 00:14:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I'm training to be a midwife, and I've always been open to abortion as I feel women have the right to make that discussion for themselves and for their baby if it is not the right time, and the baby may suffer. However since my training started I have seen a 19 week old aborted fetus. It was perfect, just a mini person. It made me wonder if the age of abortion should be lowered. And now although i still think it is the individuals right to make that discussion I think the abortion age should be lowered.
2007-01-27 06:37:48
answer #8
answered by sezbra 2
First of all, people do not agree or disagree with abortion, they agree of disagree on whether or not it should be legal. It is called pro-CHOICE because they agree that women have the right to make up their own mind about whether or not to have an abortion. Pro-choice does not mean pro-abortion.
I am pro-choice because I feel that women have the right to choose what happens to their bodies. If they have strong feelings against abortion, they should have the right to not have one. But if they feel abortion is their only option, then they should have the right to get one.
If the right to choose is taken away, then that leads to women taking drastic measures. When abortion was illegal, the rich were able to fly to Europe and get abortions while the poor had to resort to getting illegal abortions or trying to give themselves abortions. This led to many deaths from internal bleeding.
The bottom line is that women are going to find a way around it if it is illegal, so it is safer and healthier for everyone if it is legal.
2007-01-27 05:41:40
answer #9
answered by ~Christine~ 3
This has always been a tricky question. I think that no one other than the person having it done has the right to make that decision. I dont agree with it being used as a form or contraception.However if a baby has be detected as being abnormal in the womb and the doctors have advised that the pregnancy be terminated.It still needs to be the mothers final choice. So I dont agree nor do I disagree.
2007-01-27 10:34:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
hi i cant believe some of the comments on here, i am pro choice i think that if woman had been raped and fell pregnant why shouldn't she terminate it it wasn't planned or conceived with 2 consenting adults,and anybody who hasn't been through this situation cant begin to know anything about it although i do agree that the time to have an abortion should be cut and maybe if young kids are having sex then there should be more readily available contraception and more talks on how they abort and of course of std's to try and put of youngsters having sex in the first place and if its purely that a kid wont fit into their lives and career then I'm against abortion
2007-01-29 04:13:05
answer #11
answered by angie m 2