I haven't had a period,in well, 40 some odd days,and I can't remember exactly when my last period was in December,or if there was one in December, what are some odd pregnancy symptoms that I can look for. I have gained a little weight,but someone told me that could be water weight from impending menstration.
I know this isn't the right category, but no one is awake in the women's health.
Any Serious answers welcome!
33 answers
asked by
Two Peas
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I'm 20,and I do work a lot, so I thought maybe it could be stress.
20:38:38 ·
update #1
oh yeah duh,I'm married.
20:43:36 ·
update #2
depends on your age..it could be the start of the change of life...i would take a pregnancy test though...sometimes women can go nearly full term and not even know they are pregnant. if you have a negative test...go get checked out with the doctor.
2007-02-03 19:35:52
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Sweety we can only all guess teh endless things that could have made you miss it so jsut go buy a preg test and find out now instead of getting yourself in a knot if your maried and happy with your hubby I would not be too worried and life does not work out how we plan it if it is time it is time Please do the test if it comes back neg see a dr they will help you don't be afraid many of us women have been there and done it Best of luck if you want to talk to someone I are here BYE
2007-02-03 20:00:07
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Firstly unless you have been pregnant before which I am gathering you haven't otherwise you wouldn't be asking, you probably wouldn't be showing this quickly. Have you been feeling sick, had sore nipples, swelling breasts, weird dieatry requirements eg wanting ice cream with mussells, been overly tired, irritable, upset at everything. perhaps go and see your doctor to confirm what is wrong and take a pregnancy test. sometimes alot of stress or lack of weight can stop your period, also some contreceptive such as the pill and depo provera too.
2007-02-02 15:26:50
answer #3
answered by NIKKI 2
It could be stress...if I am under a lot of stress, mine will be late. But I also have 4 kids and you seriously need to take a test if you have been sexually active in the past 2 months.
Signs: Mood swings, stretch marks, tired, eating more and different cravings than you normally eat, urinating more, tender breasts.
Good Luck and if you think you are pregnant then you need to see a doctor asap.
2007-01-26 20:38:45
answer #4
answered by LS 4
Take a pregnancy test (the one you can buy at the drugstore) just to find out the answer to that question. Otherwise, it can be stress-related which can delay your period significantly. If you're not pregnant and your period for NEXT month is still late, see your doctor.
2007-02-03 07:33:58
answer #5
answered by eleven 4
Same thing that everyone else said. If you are under a lot of stress, lost a lot of weight (which according to your question doesn't apply), and various other factors such as hormonal changes not due to pregnancy can cause you to not have your period. Easiest thing to do is to try a home pregnancy test and if it is negative go talk to your doc.
2007-01-26 20:37:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yeah I know what you mean. I have had a girlfriend for the past 2 years and it just came to light that she supposedly had been raped 3 different times. Once while she was dating me. Yet she lied about the encounter that happened over a year ago. She said she was drunk and puking at a party and a man came in and just molested her. Then she said nothing happened. Now tonight she tells me that the guy actually did have sex with her. Come on now! Honestly girls, if you were raped just once, why in the hell would you let it happen two times after that. I think she just cheated on me and its a cop-out because she felt guilty. Any input is welcome wether positive or negative cause I'm at a loss, we just broke up over this. I can't seem to get over this crazy ****.--merry christmas to me...
2016-05-24 04:42:41
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
There could be a lot of reasons you're not getting your period, so you should see your doctor right away. Every one has different symtoms when they get pregnant. For me, i knew i was pregnant before i even took the test because of how sore my breast were and i had cramps that felt like menstral cramps. Good luck, and go see a doctor!
2007-01-26 20:38:21
answer #8
answered by cherrypointcutie 1
Extreme tiredness, nausea, tender breast, loss or increase of appetite are some of the symptoms of early pregnancy. I think your best bet would be to purchase a pregnancy test and do it and either way you should see a doctor to get yourself checked out.
2007-01-26 20:37:55
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes, Consult A Doctor..
2007-01-26 20:35:13
answer #10
answered by MaUj 2