Muslims belive that all the prophets were sent by ALLAH. and we have to accept and respect all the prophets, and we must obey ALLAH. HE is the only god. there is no one else besides him. he doesnt need a child nor a wife he is the best. all the prophets sent by him so whats wrong with that i think its such a good religon. do u hate them because some muslim are terrosirt well no, islam didnt teach them to kill innocent people it just teaches to defend islam and fellow muslims and non muslims too when they are not stronand they are in need odf help,what s wrong
2007-01-26 17:39:54
answer #1
answered by Amer 2
People do not hate Muslims. I work with some very fine muslims and have grown up around the street from two very fine people who were also muslim. The reason why people think Muslims in general are terrorists is 1) what is the religion of each and every one of the 9/11 hijackers? 2) what is the religion of the suicide bombers of the Middle East? 3) whaat religion must you be a member of to be a part of AlQida? Things seem to be pointing to the same religion not don't they?
2007-01-27 01:38:53
answer #2
answered by daddyspanksalot 5
Israel wants their land and US government in response to the corporate agenda wants their oil...Muslims need to be demonized to justify all this!
As for "daddyspan" who says:
"1) what is the religion of each and every one of the 9/11 hijackers? 2) what is the religion of the suicide bombers of the Middle East? 3) whaat religion must you be a member of to be a part of AlQida? Things seem to be pointing to the same religion not don't they?"
1) It is still not clear if 9/11 was an inside job.
2) What is the religion of those who have occupied the nations of the suicide bombers and how are people of these nations supposed to defend themselves from the occupiers when they have only their bodies to use as weapons?
3) What is the religion of those who set up the Taliban in the first place?
4) What is the religion of those who destroyed a vast part of Lebanon and those whose hand is soaked in the blood of half a million Iraqi children and hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan and other parts of the world?
5) And the religion of those who gave Saddam weapons INCLUDING poison gas to use on Iranians and Kurds?
6) And the religion of those who have actually used Depleted Uranium weapons, and are now contemplating similar atrocities in Iran?
2007-01-27 04:25:43
answer #3
answered by peace m 5
Honestly i don't hate them. I think maybe 9/11 had something to do with the fact that some people dislike them. Although we must considered that almost every religion has people whose faith goes to an extreme and sometimes they believe they are doing the right thing but their not. I think they very fine people with a very rich culture.
2007-01-27 01:48:23
answer #4
answered by rosalinda r 3
Terrorists are those who resort to violent acts (mass murders) against civilian populations with the objective of instilling fear and/or to demand attention to their cause; such as the Basque ETA in Spain, Tamil Tigers LTTE in Sri Lanka - both seeking to create their own homelands in the respective countries and both do not export their terror acts to any other country.
The Islamic terrorists have taken their fight all over the world, killing civilians indiscrimately anywhere. It is because of this widespread terrorism perpetrated by groups with Islamic names and calling for "jihad" (holy war) against tthe infidel West that muslims in general are demonized and why some people associate terrorism with Islam.
2007-01-27 02:02:30
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Simply because they know nothing about islam.
But i don't blame the normal citizens, i blame Bush admin. that after 9/11 accused islam of it, while the truth was that a bunch of people who believes themselves muslims commited that horrible crime against civilians. Bush tooked the lead in that and then all the media started a real war against muslims all over the world.
I also blame muslims for not taking the lead in showing the real face of islam, esp. the islamic govs. all over the arabian gulf.
2007-01-27 12:18:39
answer #6
answered by Antareport 4
the simply want there lifes to rule the world won't happen on our watch / since 9/ 11 / our eyes are wide open even if our troops come home soon , the eyes of the world are on them the will be found out , i call them enemy fighters nothing else wish we due exactly want country's flag they serve under
2007-01-27 02:17:29
answer #7
answered by andy 2
push a cat too much and that too shallultimately terrorise you
2007-01-27 01:59:42
answer #8
answered by blitzkrieg_hatf6 2