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I put ear plugs in to help me sleep and I stuck one in too far. I had trouble getting it out. Now my ear and most of my jaw really hurt. I am also feeling dizzy and as if the room is spinning. Can it really be caused by the ear plugs?

2007-01-26 15:18:09 · 5 answers · asked by justaskin 1 in Health General Health Care Injuries

5 answers

Hi, I'm an Audiologist (hearing and balance specialist)

Yes - it is possible that putting the ear plug too deep in your ear has done some damage to your middle ear structures as well as the external ear canal.

First of all, how long ago did you do this? Is the dizziness constant, or has it subsided, or does it come and go (and what makes it return)?

When you removed the ear plug, was there a suction or sudden rush of pressure? Did the dizziness start immediately? Was there any bleeding from the ear?

Obviously, you need to be examined by an Ear doctor (otologist) to determine whether you've damaged the ear drum and perhaps caused some damage due to pressure changes to the inner ear, such as a perilymphatic fistula.

Please do this as soon as you can, because prompt, accurate diagnosis means more effective treatment. I hope you feel better soon!

2007-01-30 11:49:52 · answer #1 · answered by HearKat 7 · 0 0

If you stuck it in too far, then yes, that's very possible. You could have damaged some of the delicate structures inside your ear. You should call your doctor, explain the problem, and let them schedule an appointment. If the pain increases, call again and insist on seeing the doctor right away, or go to the emergency room.

Don't drive.

2007-01-26 15:47:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They can hurt you if the volume of what your playing is too loud. Ear Plugs can protect your ears but they are not 100% protective

2016-03-15 00:30:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My husband wears earplugs for his job and he never had any problems but if you stuck it in too far and the symptoms only started after that then you may have injured something..it wouldn't hurt to have it checked.

2007-01-26 15:24:03 · answer #4 · answered by Sunny Dayz 2 · 0 0

yes go to the emergency room and get it out now before you hav an infection

2007-01-26 15:22:24 · answer #5 · answered by katherinekimbrough 3 · 0 0

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