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What can be justification for permitting illiterate or semi/insufficient educated person to sit in legislature which is basically makes laws and why we can expect any person aged more than 70 years to be fit for running the government when in all other forms of jobs(including directors of corporate boards as per rules of corporate governance) retirement is mandatory between 60 to 70 years.
We need those to rule the nation who are well educated to understand all implications of any law being passed and those who have all their faculties in perfactly working condition knowing that age after 70 years generally starts degeneration of physical and mental capabilities of every person to rapid rate?

2007-01-26 15:16:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

11 answers

Tell me who will amend the Indian Constitution for this purpose or make such an enactment????? Those very MPs who are more then 70 years or undergraduate. And do you think they will do it???? Then where they will go???? JHUMRI TALAYA!!!!!

2007-01-26 16:54:28 · answer #1 · answered by bisexualmale s 6 · 0 0

I agree with the education criteria, but not the age one, because there are plenty of senior citizens I know who constantly put me to shame with the kind of active lives they lead. So age is not a valid criterion.

About the education aspect, I'm sure that someday it will be a law. But for right now, look at most of the politicians....they aren't graduates, so why would they pass a law stating graduation as a minimum requirement. This present crop of politicians and maybe the next 2-3 generations worth have to move on before we get leaders who truly realise the importance of being educated and well-informed. That's something you grow up with, you can't tell a man who may be badly educated but who's still come to a position of power thru corruption about the importance of education.

2007-01-26 23:46:20 · answer #2 · answered by Peace 3 · 0 0

Age and education should be a secondary matter as pointed out my many above. India is a free country and anyone should be able to stand for a seat in the parliament. Its up to you and me to then decide who gets elected and who is a joker. The hardest part is to ensure all the voters are "qualified" or at least conscious of what type of people they should go for. To do this we need to create the right type of society. How you do that is an interesting and a challenging question. I have many ideas on that but will leave it here for you to ponder. Hope this helps.

2007-01-27 00:01:27 · answer #3 · answered by Prav 4 · 0 0

If we have imposed test to obtain driving licence even for auto, then prescribing qualification and experience for a person to run the country is not bad and not out of context. In earlier days there was shortage of educated people with specialisation. Therefore the elederly and popular persons would immediately draw attention would be entrusted with the job. But now we have large population of specialists and professionals. It is an idea who's time has come.

2007-01-27 01:24:04 · answer #4 · answered by manjunath s 2 · 0 0

Absolutely! Well said and I whole heartedly am in agreement. Have been repeating this in my little circle of friends but have never tried shouting hoarse on stage!! With due respect to age or seniority, the Senior Citizens should realise this themselves. Do they want to have this 'rubbed in'? I am no 'spring chicken' myself but have the wisdom enough to realise that the forward looking younger generation should be provided the atmosphere to feel that their active contribution with their active grey cells is warmly sought and welcomed in the field of good governance of our nation. Well, when the 'oldies goldies' are egoistic in the belief of their 'eternal worth', only mandatory laws can pave the way to break free from the hackles of ancient traditions of seating only the 'wise old' men/women in power. Good and wholesome education goes hand in hand for excellence in anything, is my view. Hope more people, share the questioner's views to bring about some such legislation.

2007-01-26 23:44:14 · answer #5 · answered by shammi m 1 · 0 0

Everyone should have a right to run if they are at LEAST a certain age. Here in the USA it is 25 forHouseof Rep. 30 for Senate. No educational requirements. Why Britain should bansome people from participating in government?

2007-01-26 23:25:30 · answer #6 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

You have no idea what you are talkinng about. First--very few people who do not have adequate educations get elected to public office (and the present state of our country raises serious questions about whether formal education does much good).

As for your snide remarks about people over 70 (I am not, BTW) you should be ashamed of yourself. People should be evaluated on an individual basis--not according to some arbitrary number ignorant people choose to impose on them. The majority of people over 70 are in full position of their faculties--and have the priceless advantage of a wealth of life experience to bring to bear--a resource you would throw away because you have formed a preconceived stereotype that is nothing but anoutright insult to millions of people--all of whome obviously are far more qualified thyan you are to make decisions.

You owe an apology to the senior citizens of this country--not that I expect you are a big enough person to offer it.

2007-01-26 23:30:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Simple...because this law would tick off a large part of the Democratic voters who fall in this category.
It's not about what is logical or right, it's about who is going to vote.

2007-01-26 23:26:38 · answer #8 · answered by P K 3 · 0 0

its not a age ,education is important than the person's attitude , experience and dedication toward nation ..........as most aged people were fought for nation for independence .............and most imprtant thing is VOTER'S illitercy , knowledge and EDUCATED VOTER'S casual approch towards voting is a dangerous ...............election commision also in addition to management should educate the voters why to vote

2007-01-27 00:18:56 · answer #9 · answered by vikky 2 · 0 0

Your suggestion is applicable for "meritocratic" nations.

India is not even a "direct" democratic nation.

India is a "representative" democracy.

2007-01-27 01:37:04 · answer #10 · answered by Known 2 · 0 0

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