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Help 26 days ago I had a baby while in the hospital they stuck me with an iv on the top part of my wrist while feeding baby and what not I hurt it alot they finaly switched where I had the iv and now 26 days later I still have pain in that spot not only do I have pain but I have a hard bump there and it's like I can follow my vein on the top of my hand what can I do this hurts I dont really want to go to the doctors cause I am breast feeding and dont want to leave the babies side for anything and I wont take her out yet

2007-01-26 14:11:26 · 7 answers · asked by yami100780 1 in Health General Health Care Injuries

7 answers

Hi Yami,

I had that happen to me when I had a knee replacement. The knot was about the size of a garden pea, maybe a little bigger. They had the doctor look at it because they were concerned about a blood clot. He said it wasn't and it was from an IV.

It hurt me about a month and then the pain went away but the knot stayed. The pain wasn't agonizing - just a nuisance.

That was five years ago & if I hunt I can still find a tiny bump there.

Just to be safe I would ask a doctor about it. If nothing else when you take the baby in for a checkup. If there is heat or redness you should get it checked right away.

I am sure you will be fine. Bless you & your new baby.


2007-01-26 14:19:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I had the EXACT same thing happen for the same reason as well....

Mine happened while in the hospital for having my baby too. I remeber mine lasting about three months...My lump hurt and was sore for for the three months it remained there. Also my wrists were really wore too. I was told that swelling around the hands and wrists when you first have a baby is not so uncommon if you are breastfeeding ...alot of new moms get carpul tunnel too....(weird I know but if u look it up in what to expect the first year they will tell you the same thing)

anyway so because fluids are retained so much around your joints and especially your hands it made it last (the lump) longer than normal. Even after the lump went away three months later I still had some pain around the area for a couple months after that....

I think after you have a baby and you are breastfeeding your body takes a while to heal maybe I dont know?

oh yeah and who ever said to take your baby out because you havent yet after a month needs to be quiet... i was the same way about taking my baby out and I actually STILL am pretty bad about being separated. I havent left her longer than two hours so far and shes nine months now.... some of us feel comfortable leaving our kids longer than others..and its no ones business.

2007-01-26 22:44:51 · answer #2 · answered by maddy 2 · 0 0

About a month ago I had to go to the ER for pain in my gut after I ate food. They put an iv on the top of my left hand. I found out that I had to have my gallbladder removed. Anyways, my hand was still very sore and I could feel my vein along my hand as you descriped. Mine took about a week. Some people heal faster then others. I believe the ball you are feeling is normal. Once again my seond visit to the ER for the same reason they pushed the niddle in very hard in my right hand because he couldn't get to my deep veins. The blood ball eventually went away with time.

My suggestion is call your doctors office if it does not fade away with time. Ask them. You won't even have to go in as long as they believe it's normal.

2007-01-26 22:28:37 · answer #3 · answered by mediumfrequency 1 · 1 0

It sounds a bit like a small hematoma. ( a pocket of blood) it is quite common in needle sites, if it is hot or red you should seek help right away. You wil be taking baby in soon for his first checkup, and you should be having a checkup too. Talk to your doctor then.

2007-01-26 22:25:16 · answer #4 · answered by MimC 4 · 0 0

CALL the doc and tell of your concerns. you can decide if u want to go in or not, but at least have them give u ideas of what that is. good luck :)

2007-01-26 22:21:58 · answer #5 · answered by AlwaysWondering 5 · 0 0

Yeah you should probably go and see a doctor.

2007-01-26 22:40:07 · answer #6 · answered by Mike C 2 · 0 0

your baby is a month old and you haven't taken it out yet? what are you waiting for?

2007-01-26 22:20:48 · answer #7 · answered by say910 2 · 0 1

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